MixMarvel Progress Report

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
3 min readSep 8, 2022

In the past month, MixMarvel carried forward the construction and expansion of its ecosystem. MixMarvel’s core ecosystem project DeHeroGame recently started Close Beta testing on the Rangers Protocol mainnet, and MixMarvel DAO Venture earlier announced its second-phase investment projects. Meanwhile, MixMarvel’s executives have been attending events globally to share the latest ideology and methodology of MixMarvel with the whole industry.

Ecosystem Construction


On August 30, the GameFi application DeHeroGame, incubated by MixMarvel, opened up a two-week-long Close Beta Test on the Rangers Protocol mainnet, following its July technical test on the mainnet and June beta testing on Robin Testnet of the Rangers Protocol network.

The ongoing testing features updates in the gameplay, including a new PVE adventure mode, more PVE adventure chapters, and a higher cap of hero levels while newly supporting MetaMask as an additional login method on top of UniPass. Meanwhile, the usage process and user experience of the previously integrated non-custodial wallet UniPass, which can lower the entering threshold with Web2 login service, have also been optimized in the tested version.

Users are invited to experience the updated gameplay following the instructions on DeHeroGame’s official Gitbook, get generous gift packs, and win lucrative airdrop rewards by finishing specific chapters in the game. Users who actively report bugs and share suggestions can also collect skill card packs as rewards.

The successive testings of DeHeroGame held on the Rangers Protocol network have proven MixMarvel’s publishing strategy to be effective and successful, which is to help Web2 users enter the Web3 world smoothly and experience the application by leveraging MixMarvel’s marketing expertise in analyzing and locating potential users as well as its rich industry resources including the Web3 Engine infrastructure Rangers Protocol.

MixMarvel DAO Venture

On August 16, the Web3 investment organization MixMarvel DAO Venture, also a vital part of the MixMarvel ecosystem, announced its latest investment projects, including MetaBridge, UniPass, and Ballhunter, as part of its second phase investment program.

MixMarvel DAO Venture holds an aim to provide financial support and consulting services for high-quality projects to become outstanding Web3 builders. It has been actively seeking more outstanding projects for its second phase of investment since its official launch on April 7, when six investment projects were announced.

The announcement of the four new investment projects this time marked the successful completion of the second-round investment of MixMarvel DAO Venture, which has proceeded with its third phase investment program ever since.

MixMarvel: Leading Opinions

MixMarvel has always been attentive to industry trends and explorative with future potentials. Executives of MixMarvel have been attending industry events globally to actively share the latest thoughts and ideas of MixMarvel.

In August, Mary Ma, сo-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of MixMarvel, returned to Singapore to instruct a Masterclass on current Web3 trends, where she innovatively proposed Web3 as the next-generation network of values to be reached starting with achieving NFT interoperability through constructing underlying technology and integrating it with IP.

Later on August 23, Mary participated in the Singapore Digital Economy Forum 2022 and gave her thoughts on collective ownership. According to Mary, Metaverse will evolve into the convergence of technology, content, and human experience, which collectivity can well convey and thus become the key to achieving the Metaverse.

MixMarvel will keep developing its ecosystem and share its latest thoughts on industry development.

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About MixMarvel

MixMarvel is the world’s leading blockchain content-incubation platform and creators community. By in-depth exploring the open world and integrating world-renowned IP with high-quality content, MixMarvel connects investors and mass users through asset distribution, content publication, DeFi tools, infrastructure, community co-creation, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. Its ecosystem comprises a broad portfolio of FT/NFT assets, including the MIX, RPG, and HEROES tokens; blockchain content, including the GameFi application DeHero; and infrastructures, including Rangers Protocol and MixMarvel SDK. For more information, visit https://linktr.ee/MIXMARVEL.

