MMSDK Features: Client SDK, Service SDK, and NFT Launchpad

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
3 min readMar 22, 2023

The upcoming MMSDK is an integrated solution built for both developers and users that brings forward not only various frontend features such as account setup, wallet generation, and asset management; but also solid backend support including Client SDK, Service SDK, and NFT launchpad.

As the last piece of our three-part series on MMSDK features; today, we’d like to elaborate on these backend features and look at how Dapp developers are also benefiting from the versatile solution as well as its attentive services creating the best user experience with the highest efficiency and lowest costs.

Client SDK

MMSDK’s Client SDK connects the game client to the blockchain so that user activities can be better captured by developers for game improvement.

The advantages of the Client SDK are manifold. For Dapp users, the client SDK is what facilitates basic functions: the generation and management of wallet addresses, the display of on-chain assets for better management, and the cross-chain transfer of in-app assets.

For Dapp developers, Client SDK offers a simple formula to bring up the SDK page for more operations as well as convenient access to the core SDK API which minimizes the difficulty of development.

Service SDK

The Service SDK of MMSDK is the middleware between the game server and the blockchain for portable data transmission, whose main merit is that it significantly reduces the development time.

To be more specific, the Service SDK brings many benefits to the Dapp developers by enabling various functions such as on-chain transaction processing and information gathering, information synchronization from the blockchain to the game server, the assistance of asset transfer between on-chain and off-chain, and thorough service communication protocol for SDK easy access in the development and testing stage.

NFT Launchpad

MMSDK’s NFT launchpad allows game officials to list project NFTs directly and conveniently on the in-game NFT marketplace, helping them to broaden the user base and lay the foundation for cross-chain transactions.

With the NFT launchpad, developers are able to conduct direct development and listing of gaming NFTs for the game communities. The innate NFT metadata compatibility with OpenSea that comes with the launchpad also opens for more diverse secondary marketplace distributions.

Concluding Thoughts

MMSDK aims to facilitate the mass adoption of Web3 games for traditional players and prospective Web2 projects, connecting Web3 games and their player communities through performance aggregation tools and UX optimizations.

As we wrap up our tour with MMSDK’s integrable features, we hope that the information we’ve provided demonstrates our commitment to achieving our goals and that these introductory articles serve as road maps for all users and developers to take the most advantage of the service.

It is expected that additional features will be included and unveiled in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned for more timely updates on the one-stop solution and its impending official release!

About MixMarvel

MixMarvel is the world’s leading blockchain content-incubation platform and creators community. By in-depth exploring the open world and integrating world-renowned IP with high-quality content, MixMarvel connects investors and mass users through asset distribution, content publication, DeFi tools, infrastructure, community co-creation, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. Its ecosystem comprises a broad portfolio of FT/NFT assets, including the MIX, RPG, and HEROES tokens; blockchain content, including the GameFi application DeHero; and infrastructures, including Rangers Protocol and MixMarvel SDK. For more information, visit

