NFTs would change the whole game of the art industry, says Mary Ma

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
5 min readJun 18, 2021

Some say NFT has brought the art industry a whole new change. It is true, but not the way many people see it. When crypto art is sold for insane prices at the auctions, people are all over crypto and pay very close attention to it. But usually, the closer you look, the easier it could perplex you. The true holy grail that comes from NFT isn’t crypto art; as a brand-new digital art distribution form, NFT actually have a solid potential to change the whole game of the art industry, especially on enhancing artists’ creativity by building an art sanctuary to help them craft art in a moisten way — enable them to inspire each other, and it will ultimately renovate the process of art creation.

Artists are paradoxes when it comes to creating and self-branding. While artists need to learn in some larger communities, they also eager to develop their styles as their brands. Somehow, these two things could be contradictory to a certain degree — do people remember the long-discussed issue “Plagiarism Vs. Referencing?” And the controversial topic was not just about distinguishing the differences between plagiarism and referencing to protect creators better. Some professions would argue that plagiarism is necessary for the art industry; they — influential ones — state it is a crime to ban plagiarism in the art industry so that they could continue to sell arts that are controversial or even illegal.

It looks like the problem could be solved with the adoption of NFT. When crypto art just emerged, Mary Ma, co-founder of MixMarvel, found it astonishing, and she believed crypto art wasn’t just a new way art be created. More importantly, it ensured young creators to do whatever they were passionate about by having an additional form of making a relatively decent living and protect their brand, so they didn’t have to suffer like some of their renowned predecessors. But was that it?

“Not really,” Mary Ma stated whether it is the newly emerging blockchain, colonizing on Mars, crypto art, or tools like philosophy, mathematics, and traditional art existed for thousands of years, all these things — with almost anything else — represent the most persistent quality of our human beings. “we humans can’t afford not to explore,” Mary Ma continues, “and we usually do it in three steps, to explore, discuss the exploration, and continue to explore. Of course, artists are slightly more single-minded about exploration because a huge part of their job descriptions is to explore the unknown.”

While exploration plays a critical part in artists’ careers, it also becomes the top stress source of the artists. It’s not even news that some artists commit suicide due to a lack of inspiration. However, NFT would solve that problem significantly by allowing artists to share their proof of inspiration — their works, which is critical for all artists. Qing Shi, one of the best Chinese artists, stated an excellent example to demonstrate the importance of why artists should be inspired by each other during the art conference “Study.” He said: “Michelangelo’s frescoes are only a small part of the Baroque cathedral, not even anything major. But being able to work with other creators, Michelangelo was inspired for sure; and more importantly, all the artists there created something even great, the Vatican Sistine Chapel.” That is the beauty of being able to inspire others by working together as artists.

Michelangelo and his coworkers were not the sole benefiters of inspiration by collective working. People nowadays might not even realize how lucky they are for having NFT, even for blockchain practitioners. When the community’s recognition of specific NFT works continues to increase, and the corresponding incentives continue to accumulate, more creators would invest in creating like what Michelangelo did when building the Chapel. Thus, more people could join community collaboration without burden — thanks to the data traceability of the blockchain and the uniqueness of ownership, forming a positive cycle of enhancement. And the nature of blockchain makes the scale of this kind of collaboration like never existed before.

“Not just scale of the collaboration, and you don’t even have to be a so-called artist to get involved in this whole thing,” Mary Ma says, “the collective working process can be likened to an impromptu jazz performance on the blockchain. It means the musicians are unnecessarily all talented instrument masters or composers. Still, in an atmosphere of improvisation and mutual inspiration, each performance and the final repertoire are unique, and the whole process is exciting. This spiritual core is very consistent with the characteristics of NFT. Therefore, such interactive crypto art as The Last Supper and algorithm master Reva performances are genuinely significant attempts.”

LeCube, the creative community built by MixMarvel, is another excellent example. It is such a creative habitation on-chain to help create and find inspiration at the same time. Allowing people to craft NFT based on cubes — like LEGO-can create and borrow inspirations from others — with a nominal reference fee. “I do believe LeCube is an extremely creative environment for creators, and people there will inspire others to create. There will be no stopping in that environment; thus, we may see something truly phenomenon very soon. But first, I have to ask: Isn’t LeCube already something sensational by enlarging the interaction effect and allow random people to create art?”

Altogether, that is the true quintessence of NFT. MixMarvel sees it and develops LeCube so that artists or anyone can discover the unknown, discuss the findings, and create something more artistic. That is a considerable improvement compared with the pre NFT era since it allows people who desire to make something unique get away with the physical constraints and focus on expanding whatever afflatus in their minds.

About MixMarvel

MixMarvel is the world’s leading blockchain game publishing platform and content community. In 2021, MixMarvel extensively upgrades its strategy to provide digital distribution services based on well-known IP and high-quality content. MixMarvel intends to link investors and mass users through scenarios such as trading, creation, and asset issuance and create a new decentralized application ecosystem.

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