Fissure Opens in Yellowstone National Park?

MIXONIUM Blogverse
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018

For the last few weeks, there has been breaking news of a fissure opening up in Grand Teton National Park, next to Jenny Lake, a moraine lake next to the mountain range itself. Below is a map showing the location of the fissure, according to news:

The orange oval-shape on this map is the Yellowstone Caldera boundary; the giant crater of the Yellowstone supervolcano. The large green boundary at the top is Yellowstone National Park, and the one at the bottom is Grand Teton National Park. The yellow pin locates the fracture.

It is quite evident that the fracture is situated along a known fault line. The Teton Range is a fault-block mountain, lifted and tilted up through tectonic activity, along a fault running north-south along the range’s steep eastern side. This fault could, theoretically, still be active and connected to the Yellowstone supervolcano somehow, making fractures an expected phenomenon.

However, the issue isn’t so simple. They closed the Hidden Falls area of the national park (where the fracture is located) immediately after the fracture was found, so nobody could access it. They say it is a “100-foot-long crack.” There are a few articles out there, but they are misleading. They show pictures of yellowstone hot springs while writing about a fissure in Grand Teton… seriously? Some even show videos of Old Faithful and claim that to be the fissure emitting steam. Others say the fissure is in Yellowstone in their headlines, which it is not. Seems we need some more accurate news out there. In addition to this, we still know little at all about what the fault actually looks like. No real pictures have been released to the public; there are a few videos about this but they all show un-related images, or fake pictures, or pictures of cracks located somewhere else in the country. They are being unusually secretive about this fissure and keeping information from the public for some reason. We’re not sure why this is…

Below is a MIX post about the Yellowstone fissure, as much as we can find about it.

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