Get in the MIX! The MIXONIUM Platform Overview

MIXONIUM Blogverse
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2021

Hey — Welcome to the world of MIXONIUM. We’re building a new way to organize and publish content, with a vision for a multitude of use cases, from entertainment and education ePublishing to enterprise communications, retail, marketing & sales, knowledge management, operations/maintenance, and just plain curious fun stuff. Here’s a blank MIX — what can you envision in here? Any file type in any cell (there are seven to choose from). How would you tell your story or deliver value with your information?

The MIX Ultra Media Shadow Box

Here are the basics: A MIX is a seven-compartment package. Any file type in any compartment — just drag and drop (it’s a browser application for composing). File types include images, video, audio/music clips, PDF documents, and dragging a URL (website, youTube, Google Map, 3D SketchFab model, IP Live Stream, or other web service) from the browser bar adds third-party elements. To add a URL, just grab the padlock SSL icon to the left of the URL in the browser navigation, and that makes a cell a live link. Think of it like a future-perfect new document format, except it holds rich media and can dashboard the blooming world of APIs. It’s like NoCode 2.0... Once made, a MIX has its own URL, and the maker can add meta like an abstract, GEO location, and it can be tagged into galleries, which we call clubs. We call them clubs because you control who has access —you determine members, who can see and who can contribute. So it’s communal with reasonable managed privacy — like real life.

You publish how you’d like — into the MIXONIUM platform (via clubs or by just texting a MIX to your audience). Or you can share via Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, or via email/CRM. We even have an embed widget for putting it onto an existing website. It’s compact and ideal for mobile devices, because we designed it that way! On a vertical view of a smartphone the cells stack vertically, of course. And the MIX in landscape mode is 16:9 — perfect for digital signage, or for living room viewing on a smart tv.

MIX Featuring Music Videos — By the Original Artist and a Great Cover

A MIX can be fancy — as in entertainment artist posts like the one above, or they can be promotional, like this MIX that helped Terrell “TO” Owens with a campaign for the NFL Hall of Fame. We were amazed how his Twitter engagement went up when he started sharing these on his feed.

A MIX can be really serious , as in an enterprise communications environment — we support a National Laboratory in publishing their research — or it can be a series of MIX posts by an independent streamer curating content for monetization. Here’s what a Club gallery looks like. Clean and easy access.

We charge a monthly subscription fee — and here’s why: we want your content to be the star of the show, and we don’t want to sell your personal information or clutter your content with ads. The surveillance economy is sooooooo first-gen mobile internet. MIXONIUM Ultra Media is a tool for content creators who mean business, so we’ll be adding native monetizing features soon. For now you can add any conversion system you’d like by just linking to it in a cell.

MIXONIUM is in many ways a content and media marketplace — where you can collect, curate, share, publish, read, work, watch, and play. And importantly, you can manage who sees what.

If you’re a content management ninja, get certified as a MIX Master, and we’ll refer work to you when we can — there’s way more demand for services than we could ever deliver. We can explain our VAR pricing if you’d like, our goal is to make everyone successful — in an information community with reasonable parameters and standards.

For advanced users, get ready for a next wave of features, because we don’t see MIXONIUM as just a content “Platform,” but rather we envision it as an operating system for the new era of APIs and services that can be dashboarded. That means live services — weather, accounting, video calls, live feeds, tokens systems, crypto currencies, and we even have a scripting language in development — MxML, as it were. Imagine directing a cell to update itself based on some basic logic. It’s automation in the most practical way.

While any MIX can currently point to an external cart, affiliate, or other transaction system, native platform monetizing is on our horizon as well — enabling quick user transactions, tips, auctions, blockchain exchanges, and paid subscription options for content creators with followers. MIXONIUM is the ultimate way to merchandise information as well as goods and services. And we believe good content can, and should earn revenue if it provides good value.

So to Get In the MIX, just grab an account at the green “Sign Up” button— you can do a 30-day trial. Then jump over to the MIXology Blog, to the Getting Started tab to see some initial suggestions for workflows. Then start MIXing!

And so you know, we have expert content managers and a studio if you’d like some professional services to optimize your content strategy. Leading corporations, non-profits, universities, and even U.S. Special Operations have discovered the Magic of MIXONIUM. So jump in, with whichever approach works for you.

For direct information, contact us at

