MIXONIUM for O&M — Operations and Maintenance Informatics

MIXONIUM Blogverse
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2021

Whether physical or virtual, MIXONIUM Ultra Media is ideal for curating critical operational information for maintenance and systems management

How many times has a critical drawing been not available, or a simple procedure not been documented? In so many cases it’s a tiny bit of information that makes all the difference.

At the Robotic Dairy technology showcase and exhibit in Indiana, the show quality team uses MIXONIUM to curate operational information right to mobile devices, for speedy access and ease of reference as they keep all systems go for students, teachers, and guests of all ages.

This extraordinary exhibit, designed by Marshall Monroe MAGIC in New Mexico, uses Disney theme park-style shows and technologies to inform and inspire as guests learn about robotics and the new future of voluntary milking in state-of-the-art dairies. When an operational team member needs information, such as to remember key facts about an exhibit, or when a maintenance engineer needs to repair a critical component, they turn to MIXONIUM, and they find organized, rich media collections that give drawings, video instructions, procedure maps, and even links to live expert advice.

All of this is super helpful each day, but it is especially critical when a new team member joins, or when one moves to another role, so on-boarding is smooth and quick.

Each MIX has rich media that can be accessed via mobile device, so no more long trips back to the shop, and no wondering which valve to shut down first to avoid overheating the compressor.

We believe that video is a vastly under-leveraged technology for operations and systems maintenance, and the reason is the lack of tools for coherent management of the content. MIXONIUM allows the video to sit right next to the interconnect, and in the case of an entertainment production, there’s a video of the entire show so an operator can see if everything looks right.

And don’t forget that the same features that make physical operations easier can also make digital-IT and cyber operations more coherent as well. For Trouble Tickets, SOPs, and routine maintenance documentation, a MIX is an ideal way to keep it all coherent and <tag> items into topical galleries.

Now, here’s the cool thing — as operations on complex systems move to Augmented Reality systems, like SketchFab or even head mount systems like Hololens, MIXONIUM can dashboard all the materials — including the 3D experience! That is the power of the Ultra Media framework and API toolkit.

Also, don’t forget about live data and consoles of analytics — they can be added as URL links in any cell. This includes live security or web cams. And, the whole system has access controls for managing privacy and restricting use in dynamic teaming environments.

MIXONIUM is ideal for Operations and Maintenance Informatics, and we’re here to help with project planning and even services in support of deployment — give us a shout at mixology@mixonium.com, or just jump on mixonium.com and give the system a try. Welcome to the future of curated content!

