Next-Gen Ed — Part II: Learning Circles

MIXONIUM Blogverse
Published in
7 min readApr 14, 2021

This article is Part II of a four-part series on Next-Gen Ed from MIXology. In this section we look directly at the new structural framework that leverages the power of MIXONIUM Ultra Media, and how it is best implemented. Here is the link for the Part I article, entitled “Next-Gen Ed — Part I: Some Revolution RequiredPart III of the series can be found here.

As we lay out a new vision for education, we acknowledge that there are lots of types of learning, and we are not trying to address all of them. Our chosen area of concentration is on education where the goal is to help the students grow in their ability to positively impact their lives and their world. And there are several elements inherent to such a statement. But without diving deep into those metaphysics, we just say our goal is to help those who want to contribute to a community and get things done. And yes, this involves getting and keeping a job, and making money.

As professionals, parents, residents, and citizens, we’re less interested in “education for education’s sake,” or education as a goal or “sustaining enterprise” in itself, and we’re more focused on what we need to know to move forward.

We think of it this way: either we stay the same (which does not require education), or we advance. And we like the latter.

Learning Circles is a new structural framework that we will outline here, and it is empowered by the revolution in content management technology called MIXONIUM Ultra Media. It is also driven by the practical needs, capabilities, and requirements of modern learners. And it is also driven by the demands of today’s digital-empowered industrial economies and globalized marketplaces and lifestyles.

The framework has three parts:

  • New Knowledge Sharing Structure — the Circles
  • New Content Management Technology — MIXONIUM Ultra Media
  • New Deployment Methodologies & Migration

New Knowledge Sharing Structure — The Circles

We begin with a tad bit of history. With this we focus on the heirarchical lecture and classroom model of education that revolutionized the ancient models of apprenticeship and Socratic method. In this model — we all know it — one wise or enlightened instructor broadcasts information to a group.

Known affectionately as the “sage on the stage” model, this approach has served American society well. It began with the basics of colonial schools and often had single-room operations for students of varying ages. The model taught subjects, but it also taught discipline, respect for elders, and ability to perform within a structure. It was a good fit for the period of industrialization where mass production required factory works and rigid organizational cooperation.

This construct is worthy of deep study because it has worked. Colonial citizens survived extremely challenging times with it, and we respect it greatly.

Today, what we are building is an evolution of this model — not a rejection of it. The structure takes into account the affordances of information and communication technology, and is marked by a shift to more of a “peer-to-peer” model.

It is not just a “flip” idea of students watch the lecture online and then come talk to the professor. Instead, we introduce the concept of students as “curators” of knowledge, working in collaboration with an instructor. By studying topics, which includes self-directed research, reading, writings, media production, and, yes, listening to lectures, students become “experts” in a topic. And this framework emphasizes the students “teaching” the topic, or at least getting to the point that they can communicate the subject knowledge to others.

New Content Management Technology — MIXONIUM

The heart of the Learning Circles innovation is that information will be curated and modularized in a rapid authoring and easily cross-reference-able way. MIXONIUM Ultra Media makes this process powerful, modular, indexed, easy, and fun. A MIX is a package of information. It is a seven-compartment dashboard, where each cell can have any file type in it. It is a new media format. Cells can have video, image, pdf document, geo-map, audio-recording, and URL link content.

MIXONIUM — the New Ultra Media Format

These media objects are interoperable — in that they are the same aspect ratio, which is 16:9. So they can be displayed on big-screen TVs and websites, …and nicely on smartphones. Additionally, a MIX has extensive meta, including an abstract, a rich text article, geo-location info, and other tagging information. They are simple to make and they intentionally represent information in visual, engaging forms.

Individual MIX posts can be aggregated via tag into playlist galleries we call clubs

This simple organizing approach allows for a radical shift in how education is structured and managed. In this approach, of course the faculty and instructors can publish modules of “lessons,’ which can include video lectures and subscription fees, but more importantly, students can create MIX posts themselves and share those packages with the instructor, their peers, and the public, as they elect to do so.

We are firm believers in the theories of learning modalities and styles. Some learn better by seeing, some by listening, others by reading text. And as such, the learning content management system should afford all of these — in parallel. That is the core of what MIXONIUM is all about — effective knowledge transfer and access.

The result of the peer-to-peer “Circle” model is a flow of information and learning that is compatible with movement, social networks, and new lifestyles. A student can consume education content while at a coffee shop.

The students are so excited because now they can go out on Twitter and Facebook and share their studies and findings. It is a cutting edge platform” — Biology Teacher, Tech Valley High School, NY

MIXONIUM™ Learning Experience Advantage

This structure forms what we call the “Classroom of the Future,” which, of course, isn’t necessarily a room at all. It is a frame of mind. And importantly, the knowledge that is studied and curated during the coursework is immediately available as “playlist galleries” after the class, the course, and even the degree, is completed. This creates a seamless learning space from K-12 school years, through university or higher ed, and into professional training. Learning elements accumulated are learning assets available at a moment’s notice in the future. And new playlists can be formed as interests and needs change.

This model has been tested in three main application areas

  • K-12 Classroom Environments
  • Multiple University Degree Programs
  • Professional and Corporate Training — including for Special Operations Forces

The subject matter spans the realms of “fuzzy” topics like philosophy, cultural history and language, to “techie” topics like Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering. Professional training can be similar in span, from company policy updates and announcements to equipment maintenance and new complex sales briefings.

Just in Time “JITK” Knowledge

With mobile devices, and this effective means of curating knowledge, workers in the field can access information quickly and look up solutions right on the spot. Information can be in the form of video, blueprints, reference articles, and long-form pdf user manuals, and this will lead to a profound increase in results.

New Deployment Methodologies & Migration

On a practical level, innovations sometimes need to be adopted in increments, honoring existing structures and planning a transition to the new world. As such, we have made the MIXONIUM Ultra Media content management system modular and easily integrated with existing LMS systems. The content structure can be used for a small workout instructor teaching dance or by a major university managing transcripts, degree programs, and certifications.

As for the future, we believe it is bright indeed. This new format and content framework will enable rural learning, greater productivity, increased understanding, and a better life for generations to come.

And as a true innovation, we will being to see benefits we can only dream of today. Students able to visit with wise and knowledgable instructors all around the world. Social networks not constricting but expanding. Viewpoints considered, not repressed, and closed environments for private, fee-based interaction when appropriate.

In the end, it is all about speed and depth of retention. The ability to take the new knowledge and put it to work.

Wanna try it? Contact us at, and let us show you how this approach can transform the agility and impact of your programs. See how you can join the Learning Circles revolution.

For reference, here is a link to Part I of this series, “Next-Gen Ed — Part I: Some Revolution Required” And here is the link to the next section, “Next-Gen Ed — Part III: Omni Campus

All content ©2021 Marshall Monroe MAGIC & MIXONIUM GHI.

