About Me

A brief description about me

2 min readAug 5, 2018


Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

> Hello there!

Welcome to my small Medium blog. My name is Hamza, but I usually go with (the nickname) MizoPro.

I’m your average Programmer who happens to be also an Engineering Student.

I’ve been coding since I was 15 years old. Back then, I only knew vanilla JavaScript and jQuery, and some PHP (when it was cool) and of course basic HTML & CSS. So I used to spend most of my spare time creating naive websites or working in forums.

Coding, for me, has always been a very precious amusement. It became even more when I stumbled upon the renowned Python: The programming language, and not the snake of course.

Quickly, I got fascinated by this syntactically simple yet powerful language.

Not too long after, I came across another genuinely beautiful gem: Ruby (get it?) which later became my favorite ❤

Currently, I’m interested in Node.JS (JavaScript in general), the old-fashioned C and the glorious C++.

One of my favorite quotes:

« Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch. »
—Tim Berners-Lee

My Programming Languages

Level: Expert

Well, I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but those are the languages I use daily, whether for trivial tasks or for designing a large project.

List of programming languages sorted by daily usage:

  • Python
  • JavaScript (TypeScript, CoffeeScript, ES6, CommonJS, vanilla JS, jQuery, Angular, React, etc)
  • Shell scripting languages (sh, bash, cmd, batch, PowerShell)
  • Java, Kotlin, Scala
  • Ruby (mostly Ruby on Rails)
  • PHP

+Markup/design/query languages:

  • HTML5 (+Pug) + CSS3 (+Sass, Less)
  • SQL
  • Markdown
  • LaTeX (Math, Chess/skak, etc)
  • BBCode

+Obsolete languages (know but no longer use):

  • Pascal

Level: Intermediate

Those which I know most but not all of it, or need more practice to fully grasp.

  • C/C++
  • Go
  • C#
  • Swift
  • Assembly
  • VBScript

Level: Beginner

Those I use rarely or naively or just started learning.

  • R
  • Lua
  • Haskell
  • MATLAB, Mathematica, SageMath
  • Perl
  • Clojure
  • ActionScript
  • OCaml
  • Rust
  • Ring
  • Dart
  • Jython
  • Objective-C

Level: Esoteric

Those used to joke around in one’s leisure time.

  • Brainf*ck
  • jsF*ck
  • Shakespeare programming language (See in Wikipedia)

Level: None

Those which I want to learn even though they are either obsolete or rarely used nowadays.

  • Smalltalk

Thank you for reading my post 😄 !




Programmer, Web developer. Gamer, Anime enthusiast