💎Immortal task with Android WorkManager💎 Part2 — Robust Features

MJ Studio
MJ Studio
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2020

In the previous post, we learned what is Jetpack WorkManager and how is it work. In this part, we explore how to add make more smart work request with adding constraints or delay or retry policy or input/output data to request and chaining & canceling work.

How to make Request more functionally

Constraints ⛓

We can add constraints to our work. This makes our work to be executed when the constraints are met with the situation of the system. These constraints contain network state, charging state, etc. We can get an instance of Constraints using the builder pattern. Use this Constraints instance to building our request.

Initial Delays

You can set the initial delay of our work with setInitialDelay method.

Backoff & Retry Policies

When your Worker instance return Result.retry(), the system automatically plan retry. With setBackoffCriteria method, we can adjust BackoffPolicy or backoff delay time. Look at the following.

Input/Output for our task

Ok, this is the most important part of building requests. If you want to send or receive input or output in the works, use Data class. We can use workDataOf function to make Data instance with Key-value Pairinstances like following.

And, we can receive outputdata in the Worker class.

Distinguish/Observe the status of our work 👀

We have to observe the status of our work for showing progress to the user or deciding the next process of application. First, we must have ways to distinguish our ongoing works in several ways. Let’s learn three different ways to distinguish our works!

1. Id

we can get the unique UUID(id) of our work from WorkRequest instance. This is an instance of UUID class. See the above code. Then you can easily find the way to observe status of your work with id!

Spoiler 🥁- you can use the following methods to distinguish and observe your works.(Id, Tag, UniqueName)

2. Tag

You can add tags to your work. There is no limit to the number of tags for requests.

The tag is not a unique identifier of works. So WorkManager has method named getWorkInfosByTag (plural) not getWorkInfoByTag

3. Unique Id(Name)

methods in WorkManager for the works having unique id

We can set a unique id(name) to work. Using a unique id is not much different from using a tag or id. But if you construct your work to replace existing work or ignore new when a new request that has the same unique id is enqueued, It is useful. As the above picture, for using unique id, you must use functions or methods having infix like “Unique”.

Handle the status of our work(WorkInfo) 🧩

We could retrieve WorkInfo instance indicating our work. In this class, there are several useful properties to handle our ongoing work status. Let’s see 👀


Status means literally the status of our work. There are constant for deciding what phase our work in.

  • BLOCKED : Prerequisites for our work hasn’t finished yet.
  • ENQUEUED : System is waiting that the constraints for our work are met.
  • RUNNING : Our work is progressing.
  • SUCCEEDED : Our work is completed successfully. Only OneTimeWorkRequest can make our work in this state.
  • FAILED : Our work is complete with a failed state. Only OneTimeWorkRequest can make our work this state also. All dependent work will also be FAILED. Dependent work is a concept related to work chaining will be handled next posting.
  • CANCELLED : Our work is canceled.


Data object to receiving output data from work. Yes, it was from our

return Result(data)



A retry count of work. If the work has finished successfully, the count will be reset

Chaining Works ⛓

You can make works chain for sequential works. Imagine you fetch the data from the network and parse that to use in the application. You need to make fetching is done before the parsing process. We can chain the work for sequential processes or executing some works parallelly.

​Ok, let’s chain the works and execute them sequentially. The main class of this process is the WorkContinuation class. We can get WorkContiuation object with WorkManager.beginWith() method. This method has two overloading version for just one work or several parallel works. Next, WorkContinuation.then method helps us to chain(append) sequential works. Finally, we can enqueue WorkContinuation object with WorkContinuation.enqueue() .The following example explain this.

The filter1, filter2, and filter3 requests are handed off to the system with a parallel way. When filter1, filter2 and filter3 works are finished all, then compress work will be executed.

​When the parent works are not finished yet, the child(appended to the parent) works are remained with BLOCKED. If one of the parent works is failed or canceled, then the child works will have FAILED or CANCELLED status.

Canceling Works

There are four situation works are canceled.

Manually cancel by code

We can cancel ongoing works with methods in WorkManager instance.

  • cancelAllWork()
  • cancelAllWorkByTag
  • cancelUniqueWork
  • cancelWorkById

Work having unique id is replaced with newly enqueued work

In the case of works have a unique id, if we enqueue work has the same name with existing work and ExistingWorkPolicty is set REPLACE, the existing work is immediately terminated.

Constraint not matching

Work does not satisfy any constraint, the work will be terminated.

Terminated by system

The system commands your app to stop your work. For example, 10 min is limit time for execution. The work is scheduled for retry at a later time.


How about learning Android Jetpack WorkManager? Was it fun? It is an extremely robust library for scheduling background tasks. In the real world, I used this class for merging audio and video & uploading to the server & adding an overlay to video and save to gallery.

It was very useful. WorkManager automatically re-enqueued after the app is restarted. Make your task more robust and reliable with Android WorkManager. Enjoy it! ❤️

Where to go?

  • InputMerger
  • Recurring work
  • How to write the test for WorkManager
  • Custom configuration & initialization
  • Custom Threading Technic
  • CoroutineWorker & RxWorker

