Amazon Associates: How Does Amazon Affiliate Marketing Work?

By Reading This Article You’ll Learn More About Amazon Associates Program And What Amazon Affiliate Marketing Is

MJ Habib
8 min readFeb 7, 2021


Amazon logo on a Samsung mobile phone which represents an online business from Amazon associates program
A complete guide to Amazon affiliate marketing — Photo by Christian Wiediger

Amazon associates program also know as Amazon affiliate marketing is one of the largest networks that help marketers to make some money or commission by offering their products to some potential customers through their traffic sources like their websites or social media. In this article, we are going to discuss more about the potentials of Amazon affiliate marketing and know its pros and cons.

Introduction to Amazon Affiliate Marketing or Amazon Associates Program:

So Amazon has its own affiliate program which can allow you to promote any product on amazon and earn a commission by promoting it so amazon’s affiliate program is called amazon associates which is a hundred percent free to join and like I said you can earn a commission from any product and they have this affiliate program for every single one of Amazon’s marketplaces.

So they have one for which is within the United States, they have one for if you want to sell and promote products inside the United Kingdom, they have it within Canada, Amazon Australia, India, Mexico, and every single one of the platforms.

To go and access it just do a Google search for Amazon Associates or Amazon affiliate program or just go to, that you can promote any product on Amazon and that’s a great thing for Amazon affiliate marketing.

A laptop or smartphone and an internet connection to start your Amazon associates program business
All you need for your Amazon affiliate marketing business is a laptop or a smartphone and an internet connection— Photo by Austin Distel

Now there are ways that you can do this that honestly are not that profitable because there are some pros and cons I’ll share with you in this article and there’s a way of going about it that is not that effective like I’ll share with you guys how I make money with Amazon affiliate marketing but the money that I make from it is really insignificant compared to other affiliate programs and products that you can promote, so I’ll share a few the right way the effective way of actually making money through Amazon affiliate marketing.

But like I said there are better ways you can focus on doing affiliate marketing, so if you interested to know more, I’ll invite you to get a free ebook called “The Millionaire Shortcut”:

You can get this ebook for FREE where it goes deeper into some of the affiliate marketing strategies that have allowed me to make millions of dollars a year doing affiliate marketing.

Pros About Amazon Affiliate Marketing:

OK, so let’s first look at some of the pros and cons of Amazon affiliate marketing.

1- One of the pros, the biggest one of course is that you can promote any product which is very cool because guess how many products are available on Amazon. Millions of them and you can promote any single one that you want, so that’s pretty cool because a lot of the companies and the brands might not have their own private affiliate program. I know for myself there sometimes I mention a product or is a product I’d love to promote and share and link to earn some commission from that, but the company does not have their own affiliate program in which case I can just find it on Amazon Associates and I can just have an affiliate link, that way it’s pretty cool while you can promote any product out there.

A lady is shopping which represents you can sell anything online with Amazon associates program
You can promote anything online with Amazon affiliate marketing — Photo by freestocks

2- Now as well, another Pro from this is that if you promote a product, let’s say you promote a blender and you link to that the way Amazon works, And is that within 24 hours when they click your affiliate link, if they buy other products besides that one, even if they don’t even buy that blender you link to, but they buy someone else’s products and a variety of different things they fill up their shopping cart, and they check out and purchase that within 24 hours, you actually make the Commission and on all of those products, not just the one you link to you, but any of them that they buy within 24 hours.

Now this is a great thing because most people when they go to Amazon they don’t buy just one product, they shop around, they add up a few things in their shopping cart, and they usually check out and buy a few different products, so you can increase the overall commission you’re getting, and that’s a really cool thing.

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3- I think another very important thing and valuable is the trust that Amazon has. I mean, I remember years and years ago like 10 years ago, and even beyond that when people selling online and having people buy products, people were very skeptical. They’re afraid of buying something from someone that they didn’t know. Maybe I’m gonna get scammed or ripped off and for the most part, you know Amazon’s changed the landscape from that because so many people are comfortable now buying things online. But Amazon has the brand and the reputation and the trust with the consumers that people know when they’re on Amazon and they’re clicking to buy something they feel comfortable buying from Amazon, they feel they can trust the reviews that Amazon has the credibility they know.

Amazon’s got great customer support and they value the customer, they can get a return or a refund or whatever it is so products can typically convert better on Amazon versus trying to promote a product that is not being sold on Amazon from someone else’s store because of the trust factor that Amazon has.

4- Another benefit is the one-click buy. Millions of people already have their credit cards on Amazon and so when they go to buy the product, they don’t have to put in their credit card details again to buy it. It’s just the press of a button that automatically charges their credit card, so it’s very easy to get sales, which is great.

Cons About Amazon Affiliate Marketing:

Now, there are other varieties of pros but let’s focus on some of the cons.

1- Amazon will pay typically depending on the product and category from 1 to 10 percent commission, and to be honest, I put this more as a con that it could be a pro. In some circumstances, because this is a pretty low commission and it really depends on the product that you’re promoting, and the reason why their commissions are pretty low is because most products on Amazon are physical products. There are overhead and expenses involved and so they can’t give us much of a commission versus a digital product like a course or information product which there are not as many expenses involved so they can actually give affiliates more of a commission from that. So Amazon has a pretty low commission like I promoted books but sometimes I promote products and I make like a dollar you know or make like 12 cents, just because it’s like a ten dollar product I’m getting paid a 2% commission or something like that for it, and the challenge is that it’s hard to actually make significant amounts of money from Amazon because you’re not getting a high enough commission and the only way you can really make the money to be like a thousands of dollars of income it is either you’re going to have to have extremely high volume, like tons, and like thousands of sales of these low ticket low commission things for that to really add up, or you’ve got to start promoting high ticket products on Amazon to earn a commission.

2- So for example, if you’re promoting books you’re gonna get a low commission like less than a dollar in most cases but if you’re promoting a TV camera equipments, maybe a treadmill, maybe jewelry, and high ticket items that are over $1000, well, that one to ten percent can really add up. Ten percent of a thousand bucks is a hundred dollars. Five percent of a thousand bucks is fifty dollars, and so on. That’s where the numbers can get a lot bigger and better is by promoting high ticket products but I consider that a con and that’s why I’ll share through here the better ways I think I’m doing affiliate marketing where these numbers can add up a lot higher.

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3- Another con is the fact that they have a 24-hour cookie, so what that means is when someone clicks on the affiliate link, you only get credit for any sales that occur within 24 hours of them clicking on your affiliate link, and most affiliate programs out there they usually have a cookie that tracks for 30 days, sometimes 90 days. Because let’s say someone clicks on your link they add a few items to their shopping cart but they don’t check it out right away. They don’t buy it right away, maybe they buy it a week later, and guess what, it’s outside of 24 hours, so you’re not getting credit for those commissions. You’re not making any money from that so that’s a downside. That’s not good versus another affiliate program out there besides Amazon. You know, they click on your affiliate link, they buy two weeks later, you’re still getting credit for that commission, unless they clear their cookies in their browser, or they change different devices. There is a small percent you can lose out on that like 1% usually, but there’s it’s known as leakage that happens with affiliate marketing, but for the most part, you’re getting credit if they buy within those 30 days or 90 days.

4- Also, I say another con — is sometimes the approval usually you require to set up just a website, or a blog to get approved for their affiliate program.

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I can share with you more about that, but sometimes you got to build up a blog a bit and get accepted into the program in which case once you’re accepted and you start generating some commissions, and then it’s pretty easy to stay in. So they don’t accept just anyone you have to actually show that you have a blog or a website and to get approved for it.

Now those are the main things that I really wanted to express to you. If you need more information, I’ll be happy if you can join my free training.

Thank you for your time.

Affiliate Link Disclosure:

This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an affiliate, I may earn from purchases. you can read the full disclaimer here.

Credit: Stefan James on Youtube



MJ Habib
Editor for

Computer engineer, Investor, Marketer (5+ years experience)