Generative AI project — Part 1

Muthu Arumugam
MK Views
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2023

This article will help you understand how to get involved and create products using Generative AI models. To get a quick intro to Generative AI, look at my previous articles — Quickies.

For an AI project, the following steps are equivalent to SDLC.

AI project lifecycle

Use case discovery

You have the option to choose from a variety of tasks from LLMs. You can select 1 or many for your project from below:

  • Essay Writing
  • Summarization
  • Translation from language to language
  • Translation from language to code
  • Information retrieval
  • Call external APIs

Model identification

The existing model may be sufficient, or you must pre-train with your dataset. Each model fits a few use cases.

  • Autoencoding models — BERT/ROBERTA — Sentiment analysis, Named entity recognition, word classification
  • Autoregressive models — GPT/BLOOM — Text generation
  • Sequence-to-sequence models — FLAN-T5/BART — Translation, Text summarization, Question/Answers

The model size is also a factor to consider. BERT-L has about 340 million parameters, but GPT-3 has about 175 billion parameters. It affects the computing resources needed to train or use them. GPUs play a significant role in helping to process them in parallel effectively. For example, if you need to store 1 billion parameters for a model, you need four parameters represented in a 32-bit float). We also need an additional 20 bytes for each parameter to train. That comes to 80GB of memory for a billion parameters.

You can use quantization techniques to save memory by trading off the precision. Instead of a 32-bit float, store the parameters as an integer of 8 bits, which gives you 1/4 of the RAM needed. You lose some precision on the output. Your choices are FP32, FP16, BFLOAT16 (popular) and INT8. If the model size increases, you have the ability to split the tasks into multiple GPUs. There are some strategies available:

  • DDP — Distributed Data Parallel
  • FSDP — Fully Sharded Data Parallel (ZeRO)

NVIDIA A-100s are expensive GPUs, and the above strategies help you optimize and use those chips to train your models. Sometimes, it’s better to choose a smaller model and prepare accordingly for your more minor use cases.

The measurement used to understand the training time is 1 “petaflop/s-day” = # floating point operations performed at the rate of 1 petaFLOP per second for one day.

There is a paper called “Chinchilla paper” that goes in deep to train LLMs optimally. Also, you have to consider the size of the training data model, which is the ideal size of ~20x. If the model uses 70B parameters, you must feed ~1.4T tokens of a dataset.

You can elect to choose a smaller model and then train it for a specific field of yours. For example, Bloomberg published a model that is trained for finance-related LLM. See here: Introducing BloombergGPT, Bloomberg’s 50-billion parameter large language model, purpose-built from scratch for finance | Press | Bloomberg LP

There are so many models developed & trained already. Look at Hugging Face to understand with a model card of their own.

We can now see how to choose a model and think about computing resources for training. There are lots of new models that are evolving daily. Find the one that fits closely what you need rather than plan on training it if possible.

Disclaimer: This is not generated by an AI bot. Also, I learned a lot of these through the course at Coursera. It’s a great course.



Muthu Arumugam
MK Views

A serial entrepreneur looking into NFT and its utility