Shinichi Okada
mkdir Awesome
Published in
May 23, 2021


The output from Teffects stripe. Image by the author.

Install Gitstart with Homebrew. I just created my first Homebrew formula for Gitstart. It will:

  • Create a Github repo. (more on this article.)
  • Create .gitignore if you provide a language.
  • Add a license.txt depend on your choice.
  • Create a new repo at
  • Create and add a file with the repo name.
  • Commit the repo with a message.
  • Push the files to the remote repo.

Install it:

brew tap shinokada/gitstart && brew install gitstart

Then you can run:

gitstart -d ./new_repo_name

Find out more with gitstart -h.

Happy coding.



Shinichi Okada
mkdir Awesome

A programmer and technology enthusiast with a passion for sharing my knowledge and experience.