University students’ food waste initiative, supported by MKTG, helps raise funds for local Soup Kitchen

MKTG Latest News
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2017

Five MSc students at the Westminster Business School have created a “5 Ingredients Challenge” initiative to combat food waste, to raise £3000 for the Whitfield St Soup Kitchen.

The Inventure team have lauched a 5 Ingredients Challenge to combat food waste and raise money for the Whitfield St Soup Kitchen

Yearly, around 8.4million people in the UK struggle to make ends meet, sometimes meaning they go without a proper daily meal. However, UK households waste a staggering 7.3 million tonnes of food (worth £13 billion) a year- 60% of which is still safe to eat.

Team Inventure, a group of five students studying MScs in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise Development at the Westminster Business School, are aiming to combat food waste with a “5 ingredients challenge”.

Participants are encouraged to cook a simple dish using only 5 key ingredients, in a bid to show everyone how simple it is to make great food with staple ingredients you already have, and cut down on ingredients you may only use once, reducing food waste.

To take part, people are invited to ‘spin the wheel’ on, which will give recipe inspirations for a dish using only 5 ingredients (not including spices). Once made, you can then share pictures of your prepared meal on social media using the hashtag #5ingChallenge, and nominate three friends to take up the challenge! Everyone who takes part can donate on, where all funds will go the Whitfield St Soup Kitchen, who provide the needy with free, nutritional meals.

Jordan Johnson, Account Executive at MKTG, who is involved in MKTG’s Soup Kitchen campaign (to raise money for a mental health worker and consultation room at the Soup Kitchen) said, “Inventure’s work ethic has been very inspirational throughout the campaign and there’s a true family vibe when they work together.” Jordan supports the team with weekly catch up meetings and has helped mentor them to execute the campaign. He continued, “It’s amazing what you can do with an open heart and extended hand- we’re hoping this campaign will raise awareness on the amount of food waste we contribute to in the UK and make people aware that this could go towards feeding those in need.”

Try the #5ingChallenge yourself at:

To donate to the Whitfield St Soup Kitchen, please visit:



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