Why a Newsletter ? Why Now? 🤔
First Things First1️⃣
First of all a BIG Thank You 🤗 for following the Ml&Automation publication. You are the reason that this publication is reaching so many people and this is what motivates me to create contents non-stop.
The Smallest Origin Story🦸
I started the Ml&Automation publication with a sole mission. To democratize the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through one story at a time.
Now The Why❔
Now we come to the “why” part of this newsletter. This publication was created by me with the mission of democratizing A.I.
Reaching out to as many people as I can through stories to spread the knowledge of machine learning is one of the ways through which I aim towards reaching this goal.
To achieve this goal I publish contents in the form of publication stories, podcast shows and Video Courses.
Still I felt like there was something missing, something that can help me to connect with busy readers like you. This is where I thought of creating this newsletter.
How Would It Benefit You?🤓
It’s simple. You would get short, crisp and bite sized knowledge snacks directly to your inbox.
Additionally, I will also keep you posted about my latest stories, podcast shows and Video courses.
This makes it easier for you to decide which of my content is useful to you and which are not.
Read, listen or watch the contents which you find interesting and ignore others.
This saves you money. Yeah you read that right because ⏰ = 💵
There’s Something That I need From You.😁
I want you to forward this email to your friends who share similar interests so that we can together achieve the mission of democratizing A.I.
Don’t forget to sign up to the newsletter by visiting the ML&Automation homepage.
Wait! There’s something For You.
- Checkout my podcast🎙️ “SimpleAI” at google podcast or any other podcast player of your choice.
- Let me help you to get upskilled with my deep learning course👨🏫 at Udemy.
- Read 📜 my ideas and tutorials on machine learning by visiting the Ml&Automation publication.