Machine learning Week 1 — Supervised learning: regression and classification

Rachhek Shrestha
ML Notes
Published in
1 min readDec 5, 2016

I recently enrolled in Machine Learning course by Stanford University on Coursera. I am really excited about it. It seems that the week 1 course covers the introduction to Machine learning, its application, intro to supervised and unsupervised learning and videos on how to properly use the forums.

I will be writing my blogs regularly by covering what I learn from the course. The text will be written totally based off on my understanding of the topic as far as possible.

Supervised Learning

It is the type of learning that the machine does when the answers to any particular question/situation is already known. For example, predicting the price for a real estate by size of the house. Supervised learning are categorized into two types of problems: Regression problem and classification problem


It is the type of problem in which the machine is trying to predict the output with a continuous value rather than a discrete value.


It is the type of problem in which the machine is trying to predict the output with a discrete value, for eg. with 1 or 0.

