FastSLAM: Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Stanley Kim
4 min readMar 20, 2023


The world of robotics has witnessed a significant revolution in recent years, with rapid advancements in autonomous navigation and mapping. One of the key technologies driving this revolution is the FastSLAM algorithm, which is a popular algorithm used in robotics for estimating the pose and mapping of a robot in an unknown environment, allowing vehicles to map out unknown environments. This blog post will present a comprehensive theory of the FastSLAM algorithm, including its theoretical foundations, components, implementations, and how it is revolutionizing the way robots navigate and map their environments.

Theoretical Foundations

FastSLAM is based on the theory of Bayesian filtering, which is a probabilistic approach to state estimation. Bayesian filtering algorithms maintain a probability distribution over the possible states of the system, updating it recursively as new information becomes available.

In the case of FastSLAM, the system state consists of the robot’s pose and the map of the environment. The algorithm maintains a probability distribution over these states, represented by a set of particles. Each particle consists of a hypothesized robot pose and map.

The FastSLAM algorithm updates these particles as the robot moves and observes its surroundings. The observation data is used to calculate the likelihood of each particle, and the particles are resampled according to their likelihoods. This process results in a set of particles that represents the robot’s current pose and map estimate.

SLAM using Grid-based FastSLAM

Components of FastSLAM

The FastSLAM algorithm consists of two main components: the particle filter and the mapping algorithm

The particle filter is the heart of the FastSLAM algorithm. It maintains a set of particles, each representing a hypothesized pose and map of the environment. The particles are updated as the robot moves and observes its surroundings.

The particle filter works as follows:

  1. Initialization Step: The particle filter is initialized with a set of particles, each representing a hypothesized pose and map of the environment.
  2. Prediction Step: As the robot moves, each particle is updated based on its current pose and the motion model of the robot.
  3. Update Step: When the robot observes its surroundings, each particle is updated based on the likelihood of the observation given the hypothesized map.
  4. Resampling Step: After the measurement update, the particles are resampled based on their likelihoods. The most likely particles survive, and the less likely ones are discarded.

If you are interested in learning more about the particle filter, I highly recommend checking this article out:

The mapping algorithm in FastSLAM is responsible for building the map of the environment. It takes the set of particles generated by the particle filter and uses them to build a map of the environment.

The mapping algorithm works as follows:

  1. Build the Map: The mapping algorithm takes the set of particles generated by the particle filter and uses them to build a map of the environment.
  2. Map Merging: If multiple particles have similar maps, the mapping algorithm merges them to improve the overall map quality.
  3. Loop Closure: The mapping algorithm detects and corrects errors in the map by detecting when the robot revisits a location it has previously observed.
Map and estimated robot path, generated using sensors with large and small perceptual fields. The dots represent the correct landmark locations, and the estimates as ellipses.

Implementation of FastSLAM

Implementing FastSLAM requires a deep understanding of Bayesian filtering, motion models, and sensor models. The algorithm can be programmed in languages like Python and C++. There are also open-soruce implementations of FastSLAM available online, such as the ROS package.

FastSLAM is implemented in several steps:

  1. Design the Motion Model: The motion model describes how the robot’s pose changes as it moves. It is an important component of the particle filter, and a good motion model is critical to the accuracy of the algorithm.
  2. Design the Sensor Model: The sensor model describes the probability of observing a measurement given a map and a robot pose. It is used to calculate the likelihood of each particle during the measurement update step.
  3. Implement the Particle Filter: The particle filter is implemented by initializing a set of particles with hypothesized poses and maps, updating them with the motion model and sensor model, and resampling them based on their likelihoods.
  4. Implement the Mapping Algorithm: The mapping algorithm is implemented by taking the set of particles generated by the particle filter and building a map of the environment. This involves merging similar maps and correcting errors using loop closure.


FastSLAM has been used in many real-world robotic systems, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), autonomous cars, and mobile robots. It is a key technology driving the revolution in robotics, and its use will continue to grow as more advanced robotic systems are developed.


M. Montemerlo, S. Thrun, D. Koller, B. Wegbreit. FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem.

S. Thrun, D. Fox, and W. Burgard. A probabilistic approach to concurrent mapping and localization for mobile robots. Machine Learning, 31, 1998.

