A Breath of Innovation: CNNs for Pneumonia Detection

Tenicka Terell Norwood
7 min readSep 20, 2023

Breathing new life into my data skillset in the most convoluted way…

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, integrating advanced technologies has become paramount. As a part of my phase 4 project for The Flatiron School, I created the fictional company Zephyr Health Services. I named my health services company Zephyr after the wind that blew Columbus to the shores of San Salvador. In my backstory, I wanted Zephyr to be a pioneering player in the medical field who has embarked on a mission to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care through the power of deep learning.

So, as you read further, dream with me that I am a newly appointed data scientist at Zephyr and that I am thrilled to spearhead the development of an optimized Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for precise pneumonia detection from chest X-ray images.

The Importance of Pneumonia Detection

UNICEF has a resource called For Every Child that has a startling statistic:

Every day, one child dies every 45 seconds from pneumonia.

Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or some fungi, often characterized by inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs. Pneumonia can result in a range of symptoms, from mild to…



Tenicka Terell Norwood

Focus not on the intention, but on the impact and value of your insights. I help learners combine their domain knowledge with design thinking principles.