Can You Copyright AI Art? This Artist Just did.

Paul DelSignore
3 min readSep 23, 2022
Zarya of the Dawn, an AI assisted Graphic Novel by Kris Kashtanova

The issue of copyright laws for AI artwork is very murky and unclear. So much so that image media companies like Getty Images are banning the use of AI art on their platform.

The US Copyright Office continues to reject copyright requests for AI artwork claiming A.I. art “lacks the human authorship necessary to support a copyright claim.

While the legal battles and the online debates are continuing on an almost daily basis, Kris Kashtanova, a graphic novel artist who uses Midjourney to create comic books, has just received a US copyright registration for a comic book titled “Zarya of the Dawn.”

According to an Arstechnica news article:
“this is the first time we know of that an artist has registered a copyright for art created by the recent round of image synthesis models powered by latent diffusion, which has been a contentious subject among artists.”

Why Was It Accepted?

It’s likely Kashtanova received the registration by stating it was AI-assisted rather than entirely created by AI, which is true.



Paul DelSignore

Ramblings on the intersection of technology and culture • Creative Technologist ::