How To Create Stunning Photo Portraits In Midjourney

AI Photorealism Comes To Life

Paul DelSignore
4 min readMar 2, 2023
made by author on Midjourney

AI-generated photo images can often have an uncanny look about them, especially portraits.

So I’ve been tackling different prompt ideas, and it does feel like Midjourney is getting really close to generating human-like photorealistic portraits.

As I share some of these ideas, I want to call out a helpful prompt resource I used for inspiration which is this Reddit post.

Prompt Crafting Portraits

To start, define the content type with this “portrait of….

for lighting… I will often use ‘natural lighting’ to push Midjourney to keep it as natural as possible.

Adding camera settings is also an excellent option to capture the photographic quality — 35mm with an f-stop of 1.8 gets the proper depth of field and subtle lighting.

— uplight keeps the photo quality from getting too detailed, we want to keep that soft quality in a photo.

Outdoor Portraits

Here are some examples of outdoor natural lighting.

First Prompt: portrait of a couple sitting on a stoop in the city, smiling, clear facial features, 35mm lens, f/1.8, natural lighting…



Paul DelSignore

Ramblings on the intersection of technology and culture • Creative Technologist ::