Dennis Niggl
12 min readOct 7, 2021


Predicting Wine Quality with Machine Learning

“You can only know a good wine if you have first tasted a bad one.”

-Paulo Coelho

Photo by Anna Hecker on Unsplash

Red Wine

Over the past few years, I have acquired a real taste for good red wines. Red wines taste great with appetizers and meals, are a favorite at social gatherings and have been shown to provide real health benefits over time.

I have always been curious at how the flavors of blackberry or raspberry get into a bottle only made from grapes or how a fruity red wine differs from a spicy red wine. So how is red wine made? Red wine is made by fermenting the juice of dark-skinned grapes. During red wine production, the winemaker allows pressed grape juice to macerate and ferment with the dark grape skins, which adds color, flavor and tannin to the wine. Alcohol occurs when yeast converts grape sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The result of these processes is red wine.

Standards for Wine Quality

Wine producers like to pride themselves about the quality ratings that their wines receive from critics, because a high wine rating means higher quality which results in increased sales for the wine maker. However, a wine’s quality is not absolute. How great a wine is or isn’t depends on who is doing the judging. The combined opinion of a group of trained, experienced wine experts is usually…



Dennis Niggl

Data Science | Machine Learning | Business Analyst | Passionate about how machines learn and make accurate predictions about the future.