Using Python to Send Outlook Emails

Step by step tutorial to send notification email using Python

Yeung WONG
5 min readDec 16, 2021
Photo by cyda


Apart from Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, another commonly used office tool would be Outlook. I think everyone who has working experience would be familiar with the Outlook software. It is used to receive and send emails for communication.

In my past working experience, one of the pain points for my colleagues would be sending regular notification emails to clients or other working parties. They have to markdown in schedule or set alarm to remind themselves or etc.

And today, I am going to share with you guys how we can use Python to automate all these tedious and boring pieces of stuff. After reading this article, you would be able to

  1. automatically send the notification email.
  2. add the attachment to the email.
  3. place the image directly in the email body.
  4. design whatever format you wish such as font size, font colour, etc.


Just like many people, I have to send the notification email regularly. In this tutorial, we use the currencies exchange prices as an example. Imagine I have to send the email every one hour to capture the…



Yeung WONG

Hong Kong | Master of Data Science | Hackathon Enthusiast | Public Speaker | Top Writter | R | Python | Sports Analytics | Investment |