Sean Michael Wilson
Radical Roots
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2020


Equality V Equity tree cartoon — how about the roots?

Nice cartoon from HERE ( I’m a pro comic book creator myself).

However please allow me to mention some critical points. In general the effort at equity and justice is a very positive thing, but suffers from one major weakness: it does not look to the roots of the problem, only to the outer aspects. To follow the cartoon, the approach of most people to ‘fixing the system’ is a moderate effort that doesn’t address the basic exploitative nature.

What might be added to the cartoon is a fifth panel which shows the boss/owner/shareholders coming along and taking away half of these apples in a big truck, guarded by police. If either of the two people there complain about why that tiny elite of people should have the right to take half the apples — that is seems unjust and inequitable — the police hit them on the head (or national guard get their guns out, as is happening in the USA right now!).

This is not to be negative, but if we really want to make a system of equity, to make a good society, then we need far more radical changes than are now happening. That means the tree needs to be owned by those who work it and pick it, and fairly shared. Not owned and gobbled up by a tiny rich elite. As this other cartoon mocks:



Sean Michael Wilson
Radical Roots

Sean Michael Wilson is a Scottish writer with various books and articles published in USA, UK, Japan, etc.