Blockchain Startups: Meet the Founder of Varius World Tech

MLG Blockchain
MLG Blockchain
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2018

Varius World Tech (VWT) is developing an innovative 360° approach to the gambling sector, providing industry-specific solutions for both clients and consumers. Their mission? To provide a one-stop shop for the sportsbook and casino industry providing best practice services for clients, whilst accelerating trust and integrity for end users in one unique platform.

Discover how Founder & CEO, Gavin Berry envisioned VWT and the role of blockchain technology in today’s gambling industry.

1. How did you first get involved with the blockchain industry?

After being involved in the gambling industry for a period of nine years, I was starting to become concerned with the challenges it was facing. This also coincided with me researching different cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in late 2017. Then everything came together and I realised the potential that blockchain technology had and what impact this could bring to the gambling industry.

2. What inspired the idea of your company, was it spontaneous? Was it something you were planning for a long time?

In late 2017, after researching blockchain technology online every night for hours on end, it dawned on me what a fantastic opportunity it would be to merge its capabilities with my knowledge of the gambling industry. Many casinos were launching onto blockchain but all of them were trying to identify certain needs which current technology couldn’t currently address. This is when I then decided it was time to embark on this fantastic venture.

3. What did you do before starting VWT? Did you demonstrate prior expertise in blockchain?

Previous to VWT I had been a professional gambler. I studied the strategies behind the games, calculated the house edge and implemented strategies using the power of variance to give myself an advantage. I was successful in doing so for nine years.

4. Who is the team behind VWT and why are they awesome?

I have a great team of people around me at VWT, and everyone has had to be deep in the weeds more than you could ever imagine. A startup is one thing, a startup in a fast paced moving industry, such as blockchain, is another. I have a very experience Co-CEO, Karim Peer, who comes from a FinTech and betting background.

My marketing team is fantastic and works around the clock getting all of the requirements in place to help get the exposure the company deserves. Last, but not least, our technical team are soldiers and without them I would not be able to embark on this battle of disrupting the gambling industry.

5. How did you bring this idea to life?

I started attending blockchain meetups in London in order to make the initial connections which could help raise some capital funding. This happened rather quickly and the pace has not eased off since. What was initially an idea has now had substantial funding and we have a central London office with a passionate team that’s growing daily.

6. What problem does your blockchain plan to solve?

Our blockchain plans to solve many problems within the gambling industry. Trust and transparency are two key factors which are lacking and is something which I feel can really help excel what is already a multi-billion dollar industry.

7. How big is the market you are addressing?

As of 2017, the gambling industry is worth over 140 billion US dollars.

8. Where is your company registered? Which country?

Varius World Tech has offices in London, UK and Malta.

For a more immersive look at Varius World Tech, you can read through their whitepaper here. And to stay up-to-date on the growth of this innovative startup, keep tabs through their social media platforms!




