Scientific Programming | Chapter 1 : IPython and Python3

Machine Learning Journal Club (MLJC)
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2019

Hello Learners and Welcome Back!

We hope your exams went well and as we told you last time:

Summer = Huge renovations in MLJC building !

To build a skyscraper, we need solid foundations

So far so good, we adopted English as the main language of the project: from now on every content on Medium and Github is gonna be written in English.

Since we would like to pave the way for the ones of you that aren’t yet comfortable with Python, we might need to take a few steps back.
Today we’re gonna introduce you the 1st Chapter of our Machine Learning adventure! We’d like to give special thanks to AddFor which supported us by providing some useful resources.

The time has come to start with some Tutorials on IPython and Python3

You can directly download the repository from our Github.

First of all, once your download is complete, you should activate a new Anaconda Environment.
How do you do that? Open up the the terminal client and follow the instructions here reported : CondaEnvCreation.
As soon as you activated your new environment and you’re in it type “conda install — file requirements.txt”, in this way you’re going to install the whole set of libraries that we need to run our notebooks.

Now we’re ready to start: navigate to our folder, wherever it is in your computer, and type “jupyter notebook” in the terminal client.
In a few seconds Jupyter will load a page, de facto exploring your current folder. In our repository you’ll find 9 tutorials, they should be sufficient in order to deal with IPython and Python basics.

That’s everything for now, Happy Learning!

Simone, MLJC

P.S. If you find any bug / error or you have some problems with the code feel free to contact us at

