Excellence through experience.

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors SRM
4 min readMay 3, 2020

What is Rotaract?

Rotaract is Rotary in Action where the youth in the world come together under a club for Rotary and work together to towards improvement in the global issues facing the world by engaging in social, environmental and humanitarian work.

Rotaract clubs are part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. This effort starts at the community level but it has no limits in it’ s outreach. Rotaract trains you well for the corporate world as by working for its projects, you learn to honor deadlines, commitments, effective execution of plans, most importantly team effort and getting exposed to life-changing experiences that add doses of understanding, empathy and the will to serve the community to your personality.Talking about the importance, working with Rotaract, brings with it the admiration of the community we serve and the love that we receive brings us utmost inner peace and always draws a wide smile across our face. The respect you get working for it and the inner peace that allows you to have a constant smile on the face is the most significant side of it.

Rotaract is an umbrella organization of Rotary International under which various youth chapters get along together. You can be a part of an international community of people where all are acting for one common goal that is the welfare and prosperity of people around us.

Rotaract clubs and parent Rotary, work closely to execute major and minor projects. Generally, the Rotarians are influencers who have achieved miles in their lives and are now willing to dedicate themselves to the society, they’re highly inspiring and we cab learn a lot from them.

Rotaract is one big opportunity enabling you to express yourself and unearth the potential within and do your bit for the society as well.

You will have access to a national well as international network of Rotaractors to interact with, learn from and work together.

What’s involved?

Rotaract members decide how to organize and run their clubs, manage their own funds, and plan and carry out activities and service projects. Rotary club sponsors offer guidance and support and work with your club as partners in service.

Perks of being a Rotaractor!

The primary focus of the Rotaract is Personal and Professional Development by providing opportunities of being a part of the Annual meets, competitions, industrial visits etc.

Rotaract makes you a Volunteer- Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and practice social interaction. It does not matter whether you interact with one person or a group of people. It builds your social skills or builds your confidence around people.

Rotaract teaches us how to develop professional and leadership skills - You learn how to respect rights of others and how to treat people. You learn to manage a team and respect hierarchy. You learn to recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve . Rotaract helps to develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems, and opportunities in the community and worldwide

Rotaract provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people. There are so many social activities that you can do . Good feelings lift your mood and help with your mental health.

It can give you a sense of achievement. Serving society is a wonderful thing to do and an achievement in itself. Additionally, it can take you outside of your comfort zone and give you an opportunity to face your fears. For example, if you fear social interaction or have social anxiety, sooner or later you will find a way to practice being around people.

Rotaract is an opportunity for youngsters to get a feel of the real world and an opportunity to learn about life outside the comfortable confines of classrooms and homes. It gives you a sense of purpose. You are helping the community and making a difference to something other than yourself. It gives you something meaningful to be doing, and it is empowering to be doing something that really does matter.

You will learn new skills and gain experience. It’s empowering to learn something new, and you could gain valuable skills to use elsewhere. It’s also an opportunity to make new friends and connections.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ~Helen Keller

Thanks for reading.

Shubhangi Soni

