MMA Germany and Google release new “Mobile Speed Leaderboards” comparing the mobile speed of websites from 14 different industries.

Aldi, Check24, DKB and Opel lead the list of Germany’s fastest mobile websites

MMA Germany
MMA Germany
Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2018


 New additions to Google’s Mobile Speed Leaderboards set the bar for new industries — but there’s work to be done as only 10 of 290 websites meet user expectations for a mobile loading speed of three seconds

In the next phase of their cooperation to develop a benchmark for mobile loading times for websites in a range of industries the MMA Germany and Google today publish the new “Mobile Speed Leaderboards.” These rankings compare the mobile speed of websites from 14 different industries, categorized into 29 sub-verticals.

Among the winners: (Retail), (Travel), (Finance) and (Automotive). Finance and Automotive are among the industries examined and included in the leaderboards for the first time.

The Mobile Speed Leaderboards kicked off in November 2017, when the two partners compared the speeds of mobile websites in the retail and travel industries for the first time. (The complete “Mobile Speed Leaderboards” appear on Think with Google, Google’s online platform for advertisers and agencies at

The fastest mobile websites in the different industries

*Source: DoubleClick, 2016. Different providers may have the same “First Contentful Paint” time. The ranking itself is composed of a combination of three different metrics.

The fastest mobile websites in the subverticals in the retail industry

The fastest mobile websites in the subverticals in the travel industry

The fastest mobile websites in the subverticals in the finance industry

The fastest mobile websites for further industries and subverticals

The leaders set the benchmark for their industry and also influence user expectations regarding the loading times of other industries. The Leaderboards for all industries are available on Think with Google.

Comments from the community

Mark Wächter, chairman, Mobile Marketing Association, Germany explains: “We are happy to announce an update of the Speed Leaderboards together with Google. Due to the constant increase in mobile usage of the internet and the users’ rising expectations, the topic is more important than ever. From the perspective of the Mobile Marketing Association Germany, we recommend every company to understand the status quo of their page speed and to invest in a faster and better user experience. Those efforts usually pay off quickly through higher revenues and more loyal users.”

Tilo Hacke, board member of Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), comments: “In the digital transformation of our industry, everyone strives to be always a ‘bit’ ahead. That is also our claim. Therefore we are very pleased to be the leader in the German financial industry in the mobile speed ranking released today. But speed is only one relevant aspect for our customers. The user-friendliness and networking of our mobile services are also important. For this reason, we work daily to further improve all our products and services.”

Dominik Wöber, Head of Performance Sales Central Europe at Google observes: “On the one hand, it’s great to see that more and more leading German companies understand the importance of fast mobile sites and are prioritizing the topic. On the other hand, however, we see many that even the fastest sites of many industries are still behind the user expectation of three seconds load time.”

The test set-up and methodology in detail

Using data from the Gesellschaft für Konsumgüter (GfK) market research institute, the most frequently used websites of selected industries in Germany were identified and categorized into sub-verticals. The selection of these websites was made according coverage analysis by GfK based on unique users in the second half of 2017 and comprised 290 domains.

For the analysis of the mobile loading speed, the URLs of the ten domains with the highest traffic were tested with a 3G internet connection using the tool Speed Scorecard. The test set-up was based on data from the Chrome User Experience Report (CruX), which provides real-world results and ensures simple repetition of the test setting allowing a comparison of the data. The free tool compares the loading speed of the most popular domains in the industry. The “Mobile Speed Leaderboards” are ranked according to a combination of the three user-centered metrics: “First Contentful Paint” (FCP), “DOM Content Load” (DCL) and “Onload.”

  • The FCP is a measure of the time it takes for the user to receive a visual response from the website.
  • The DCL depends on the time it takes for a web page to fully load and analyse the original HTML document.
  • Onload refers to the dependent resources of a website that has finished loading.

The FCP is the metric displayed in the rankings. It is possible for websites with slower FCP times to be ranked higher than websites with faster FCP times.

Once again — the Winner’s Circle at-a-glance

The fastest mobile websites in the retail industry: — 2.0 — 2.2* — 2.4* — 2.2* — 3.0

The fastest mobile websites in the travel industry: — 4.0* — 4.0* — 4.0* — 5.0 — 5.5

The fastest mobile websites in the finance industry: — 4.0 — 6.0* — 6.0* — 6.5* — 6.5*

The fastest mobile websites in the automotive industry: — 4.0 — 5.5 — 7.0 — 7.5 — 8.0

*Different providers may have the same “first contentful paint” time. The ranking itself is composed of a combination of three different metrics.

The complete “Mobile Speed Leaderboards” appear on Think with Google, Google’s online platform for advertisers and agencies at



MMA Germany
MMA Germany

MMA's German Local Council strives to stimulate the growth of marketing and its associated technologies in the country.