DMEXCO 2022 Highlights: Reimagining Music and Marketing with the Metaverse

MMA Germany
MMA Germany
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2022

Music is an integral part of human culture. Expansions in VR and AI continue to question the bounds of human reality and what we can create. How will music change? What should mobile marketers know to shape their strategies?

Lars Bendix Düysen, Sony’s VP of Music Entertainment and Music Partnerships, and Jean-Michel Jarre, renowned French composer, producer, and performer, joined MMA Germany’s Mark Wachter this year at DMEXCO 2022, Europe’s leading digital marketing and tech conference, to address these questions. [MMA EMEA was an official partner with DMEXCO organizers and hosted several in-depth talks with leading marketers, including this one.]

The trio discussed the next incarnation of music and its relationship to technology, while Düysen and Jarre considered Europe’s opportunities for growth within Web3 and the metaverse. For more insights, register to view the full session on demand.

Coupling culture and technology

Jarre expressed the need to view art and tech as partners rather than opponents to grow creatively. “In Europe, we had a tendency the past few decades to separate culture and tech,” Jarre noted. “And actually[…]they’re absolutely interdependent.”

Utilizing Web3 to level the international distribution playing field

According to Düysen, music companies like Sony rarely differentiate between web and mobile anymore since mobile is “the major point of access of the internet and also the metaverse in the near future.”

Jarre highlighted Europe’s opportunity to grow on an international scale with Web3. Europe booms with production talent but lacks promotion sovereignty, falling behind American distributors like Apple and Google. The AI and VR developments resulting from Web3 offer Europe the chance to change that. “We must think about European cloud, a European ecosystem for Web 3.0,” Jarre counseled. “Because this is going to be a game changer, of course, for culture and beyond.”

Reimagine humanity’s relationship to sound

Web3 presents a space for exploration. When many people consider this new iteration of the internet, they think of the visual components, and “very few people are thinking about sounds,” Jarre points out.

Blending the visual and audial components of the world will be critical in metaverse marketing. New developments like binaural or 360-degree audio and virtual concerts are transforming music as we know it. “We are going to live with our digital twins in the future,” said Jarre. “And we’ll have this kind of relationship with sounds [that is] going to change entirely.”

Düysen encouraged session viewers interested in binaural music for the metaverse to contact Sony. Sony and Jarre’s existing partnership illustrates the important transformation occurring in the music industry as a result of tech developments. Brands and artists are cultivating symbiotic relationships as they traverse the internet’s budding landscape.

To hear Düysen and Jarre’s full analysis, register to view the full session on demand and subscribe to MMA EMEA for more content like this.



MMA Germany
MMA Germany

MMA's German Local Council strives to stimulate the growth of marketing and its associated technologies in the country.