Mobile Marketing Association Germany Boosts Board Membership; Leading Companies Reveal 2018 Top Trends and Opportunities

MMA Germany
MMA Germany
Published in
5 min readFeb 14, 2018

BERLIN, GERMANY — January 22, 2018: The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Germany announces the addition of leading companies to its board including Verve, a leading location-based mobile marketing platform that connects advertisers with consumers to deliver successful business outcomes, and WallDecaux, outdoor advertising giant and part of the JCDecaux Group, the largest Out-of-home (OOH) advertising corporation in the world.

Tapping the expertise of its new and existing board members and member companies, which now includes Adjust, adsquare, AppsFlyer, Facebook, Google, SAP XM, Smaato, Snap Inc., Telefónica NEXT, Unilever and upday, Europe’s number one personalized news aggregator mobile app for Samsung smartphones, the MMA Germany also takes the wraps off an exclusive list of top trends and opportunities sure to have a huge impact on mobile and marketing in the year ahead.

Andreas Knorr, Marketing Director, WallDecaux: Out-of-home (OOH) advertising will deliver results off the charts. “As the last true mass media Out-of-home doesn’t just deliver impressive performance; it has great synergy with mobile, activating mobile consumers and encouraging engagement outdoors. This year will see this combination reach new heights as outdoor mobile activities and campaigns gain traction. In fact, the WallDecaux mobile activity index reveals mobile outdoor activities in Germany alone increased by nearly one-third in 2017, delivering a 65% boost and showing no other medium activates or engages consumers more than Out-of-home.”

Andreas Rau, Head of Media Agencies — DACH, Facebook: Vertical video and new storytelling approaches will have the edge. “Mobile is more than just a device, it’s fundamentally different from other channels and marks a massive change in consumer behavior. Consumers already watch millions of hours of video on their smartphones, and more than 100 million hours per day on Facebook alone. As this trend will surely continue more marketers will start to draw the right conclusions and create campaigns specifically for mobile featuring mobile video tailored to the fast mobile experience using new ways of storytelling with short length and vertically optimized formats. Better impact and results of these mobile campaigns will prove the approach is right.”

Arne Kirchem, Head of Media — DACH, Unilever: Dynamic creatives will be critical at new stages in the funnel, driven by the advance of programmatic. “Consumers are moving more to mobile media, and marketers must follow them. Expect mobile to take on a new role of importance in upper-funnel campaigns and activities aimed at boosting branding and awareness. The advance and success of mobile will be enabled by dynamic creatives and approaches that correspond to the consumer’s mindset and ‘need-state’ every stage on the consumer journey.”

Ben Jeger, Managing Director — DACH & Nordics, AppsFlyer: The capability to fight fraud successfully will become a key competitive advantage. “As mobile advertising spending continues to grow, bad actors are following the money and mobile fraud is becoming more advanced and pervasive. Despite the increase in resources dedicated to mobile, 70% of marketers have acknowledged, in a recent survey conducted by Forrester and commissioned by AppsFlyer, that at least 20% of their budgets are exposed to fraud. Therefore, 2018 will mark the year when marketers will invest heavily in the know-how and tools to fight fraud successfully.”

Daniel Rieber, VP Marketing, adsquare: Make way for the rise of ‘Deterministic Data.’ “In the age of people-based marketing, advertisers want to target consumers based on accurate data. For this reason, the first-party data of app publishers, telcos and other companies who thrive from their direct relationship to consumers will become even more important in 2018. The introduction of GDPR will boost this shift, putting companies with first-party data in a better position based on their ability to seek and secure consumer opt-ins for data usage.”

Dominik Woeber, Head of Performance Sales, Central Europe — Google Germany: Prepare for the massive impact of Machine Learning (ML). “This will be the year of Assistance and Machine Learning. With more voice enabled devices like Google Home, the Assistant platform is a key focus area. We strongly believe that Machine Learning will have a positive impact on several industries, and we’ve been leveraging Machine Learning for many of our consumer products including Google Photos and Google Assistant. Machine Learning also plays a vital role in our advertising products such as Smart Bidding and Google Attribution.”

Jens Lappoehn, Managing Director, Telefónica NEXT: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which harmonizes data privacy laws across Europe, will put consumers in more control of their advertising and user experiences. “We will finally see a rebalance of mobile advertising in the direction of the consumer and end-user. The outcome will be more transparency in our ecosystem, paving the way for more specific targeting and fewer broad, generic campaigns, and providing consumers rewards for sharing data they deem appropriate.”

Niko Thielsch, Head of Sales — DACH, Adjust: Mobile fraudsters continue to increase their level of sophistication, so marketers need to adapt their technologies quickly. “Fraud continues to be more aggressive and innovative, forcing marketers to watch out for advanced fraud schemes like click injections, a new and more sophisticated form of click-spamming poised to have a massive impact on the industry.”

Peter Würtenberger, CEO, upday by Samsung: Prepare for a marked increase in the availability of personalized news and information on all platforms, in part powered by voice. “News will be fully customized — both to the user’s personal interests and the context of how they consume content. This will be a significant boost to the user experience and the effectiveness of marketing, an outcome supported by surveys that show that personalization can improve customer relationships and engagement by more than 90%. Expect to see this rise even further as increased use of voice and text-to-speech technology removes the friction, empowering people to consume their favorite news brands and content whenever, wherever and however they want.”

Ragnar Kruse, CEO and Co-Founder, Smaato: Transparency will top the 2018 business agenda for advertisers and publishers. “Increased consumer data transparency — driven by GDPR coming from Europe — will become an important theme for the industry in 2018. Cutting out fraud, transparency and increasing accountability will continue to be key priorities for mobile advertisers and publishers alike as the industry’s responsible leaders work together to create and ensure common quality and accountability standards for the continued health and growth of programmatic advertising.”

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MMA Germany
MMA Germany

MMA's German Local Council strives to stimulate the growth of marketing and its associated technologies in the country.