Mobile Marketing: Redefined! — How You Can Use Attribution To Identify New Growth Opportunities For Your Brand

MMA Germany
MMA Germany
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2016

Mobile creates an abundance of real estate and touch points for companies to engage with their audience. Against this backdrop, how consumers interact with their mobile apps, in particular, generates data signals and deep insights that clever companies are beginning to harness in order to understand their users and benchmark the channels and properties that ultimately create the connection between the brand and the customer.

This approach, the pivotal role of attribution and the real benefits for brands is the focus of Growing Mobile to Success — The KAYAK Story, one of the presentations and main attractions at Mobile Marketing: Redefined!,the inaugural event (Berlin, October 27) organized by the MMA Germany in close collaboration with AppsFlyer and SAP XM. The day-long event pushes the boundaries around what mobile really is and the value it adds to marketing, advertising and company communications. Its roster of speakers includes mobile experts and executives from AppsFlyer, Coca-Cola, Google, Idealo, Instagram, Kayak, SAP XM, Shazam , Smaato, Telefónica and Unilever, and kicks off with a keynote presentation by Peggy Anne Salz, VentureBeat Insights mobile analyst and author of nine books on mobile.

In the countdown to this unique opportunity to network with mobile enthusiasts, listen to thought leaders from brands, agencies and tech companies, and connect in a relaxed atmosphere, we catch up with Ben Jeger of AppsFlyer and Ido Bar-Oz of KAYAK for an exclusive preview of their talk and key takeaways.

Mobile growth through attribution

By way of background, Ido leads KAYAK’s mobile growth strategy, where he is responsible for identifying growth opportunities. Prior to KAYAK, Ido was Team Lead, Strategic Partnerships, at Fyber, where he managed industry-leading mobile ad networks, DSPs, data analytics companies, attribution providers and developer engines tools.

Ben has been tasked with extending AppsFlyer’s global market leadership into the DACH region, and set up the Berlin office in early 2016. He has been in mobile ad tech since joining Fyber in 2011, where he was part of their initial mobile task force. He then headed up customer development and growth of Fyber’s advertisers in EMEA.

“Developing a data-driven mindset is key to making informed, complex decisions.”

As Ido sees it, the chief challenges for companies with mobile apps are two-fold: finding new ways to grow customer engagement, and finding new methods to determine precisely which efforts contribute most to mobile growth overall.

“As apps and companies grow, the use of measurement, attribution and marketing analytics can separate success from failure,” Ido explains. “Developing a data-driven mindset is key to making informed, complex decisions.”

“It’s all about understanding how to attribute correctly the right installs and the engagements with our app from the right traffic source”, says Ido.

In practice, this requires marketers to identify mobile growth opportunities by using data to their advantage. “It’s all about focusing on defining the right KPIs and measuring LTV & ROI in a world of rising UA costs,” Ido adds.

In this scenario data is a powerful tool and a source of competitive advantage. In the case of KAYAK, Ido recalls, the focus is on both of these aspects to define the right KPIs and channels for the app. “It’s all about understanding how to attribute correctly the right installs and the engagements with our app from the right traffic source that we work with to promote our app.”

Right install, right source

Since integrating AppsFlyer Ido says KAYAK can put the emphasis on attributing and tracking the precise channels that contribute to success metrics and successful campaigns. “It has also increased our visibility in terms of data, and allowed us to work with new partners, through AppsFlyer, that we did not work with before because we didn’t have the capabilities to track or attribute performance correctly.”

Clearly, data is a deciding factor is a sustainable and successful mobile strategy. During the presentation Ido and Ben will outline key points including:

• How brands and marketers can build capabilities to attribute the right installs to the right supply source

• How to increase visibility into better data for better results

• How new views into the data can help brands and marketers discover a wider ecosystem of partners they can work with and — ultimately — uncover new mobile growth opportunities

For more actionable insights and practical advice around how you can harness data to guide your growth, join us at Mobile Marketing: Redefined!


Keynote: Mobile — The Great Connector (Peggy Anne Salz, VentureBeat INSIGHTS)

Making products smart, interactive and personalized at scale — The Coca-Cola Case (Marlen Ring, Coca-Cola Western Europe)

Release the Beast — The Magnum Case (Richard Harless, Shazam & Yasemin Yige Unilever Germany)

Growing Mobile to Success — The KAYAK Story (Ben Jeger, AppsFlyer & Ido Bar-Oz, Kayak)

Panel Discussion: Mobile Programmatic — Welcome to the Machine Zone! (with Susanne Thompson, Smaato; René Bellack, SAP XM; Simon Dean, Telefónica Germany; Thomas Wlazik, Google Germany & moderated by Daniel Rieber (Vice-Chair, MMA Germany, VP Marketing, adsquare)

Mobile Business Redefined (Thomas Wlazik, Google Germany & Arthur Mai, Idealo)

Marketing on Instagram along the Funnel (Nadine Neubauer, Instagram)

Fire Side Chat: Blogger, Vlogger & Snapper — Marketing redefined with Nadine Neubauer, Alina Hahn (Unilever), Anna-Katharina Wächter (Digital Native) & moderated by Mark Wächter, Chair MMA Germany



MMA Germany
MMA Germany

Mobile Marketing Association’s German Local Council strives to stimulate the growth of mobile marketing and its associated technologies in the country.