Service Experiments

Manjari Sahu
S17 Service Design: Team Sriracha
2 min readMay 16, 2017

Looking back at our service scenario, we needed to do some more research into the touch points and activity creation. At the same time, we wanted to also conduct some service experiments possibly with children, to better understand the activities and preferences of a 5 year old.

We sought contact with the children’s school at CMU and were lucky enough to be granted a one hour workshop wth 3–4 children.

Collaging Activity

Learning Goals/Outcome:

  • Get informed about mindset of 5 year olds
  • Understand response to different information mediums — illustration vs photographs.
  • Learn about their likes/dislikes, how comfortable they are with technology — smartphones and tablets. (through questions)

Aim: To understand activities that 5 year old children like to do, gauge their engagement level, and strategies for distraction.

Target audiences/stakeholders: 5 year old children

We wanted to get a sense of how children respond to illustration vs real life images for storytelling, how they recount their daily activities with their parents and what sort of games do they enjoy indoors, outdoors and with their parents.

They children loved the activity and responded really well to the prompts that we asked them.



Manjari Sahu
S17 Service Design: Team Sriracha

India | USA | The Netherlands…A designer broadening her perspective on critical thinking and how to do good by design.