Original photo by Nerfee Mirandilla (cropped)

Food Matters

Food Review: Spaghetti

I’ll skip the suspense and get right to it: Spaghetti is awesome!!!

Mmm Mondays — Life Matters
5 min readJul 8, 2024


Seriously, what’s better? Pizza? Pfft. Give me a break. Sure, it has a lot of the same elements as spaghetti. There’s the sauce. There’s cheese. There’s… well, I guess that’s all they have in common, and frankly, it’s not enough.

Fancy foods like Foie Gras and Almas caviar get all the praise, but these pretentious imposters can’t hold a candle to spaghetti. You can’t twirl them around your fork, for one thing. Also, the fancy stuff is much too expensive, and it’s always served in tiny portions.

If it doesn’t fill you up, then it’s not food; it’s just flavored air.

When talking about the best foods in the world, some might put ice cream at the top of the heap. It’s hard to argue against ice cream, but it’s not fair to compare savory meals to desserts. It’s like comparing air to water — you need both to survive.

So what makes spaghetti so special? The key to its dominance in the food arena lies in its simplicity.


Sauce is a necessary part of the package, full stop. I know your five-year-old nephew likes it plain, or maybe even with some butter, but if there’s no sauce, then it’s not…



Mmm Mondays — Life Matters

Writer, painter, pancake flipper. "Co-founder" and editor of Short & Weird. I'm still working on this bio. I know I can do better.