Here’s How To Have The Best Shower Sex

Photo by Jay Cee on Unsplash

When it comes to sex in a relationship, many get stuck in the familiar sex loop — the bedroom, sometimes the kitchen, occasional sofa. Yet, sex has so much more to offer! One of the things that are worth considering, if not trying, is shower sex.

Shower sex is something we mostly see in the movies or in adult films. It looks perfect and really, really hot. So why not try and replicate something like this in your sex life? Today, we’ll share everything you need to know about sex in the shower to help you decide whether your bathroom will remain an innocent space for grooming and cleaning oneself, or become another hotspot where anything is possible.

What is shower sex?

Shower sex is any sex that you have in the shower. It can be vaginal, oral, or anal, and if you masturbate one another it counts as sex too. The key element is the running water that adds to your sensory experience and makes sex a bit more exciting and fresh.

Is shower sex good? The key benefits of shower sex

All sex that is safe and consensual is good sex. Shower sex, specifically, comes with several benefits:

  • Physical tension goes down. Warm water and steam help relax your entire body. It’s almost like a spa treatment with sex as a bonus!
  • Trying something new is good for the couples. Whether you’ve been dating for years or have just moved on from the dating online phase to real-life dates, variety is essential. It keeps things hot and fresh in the bedroom (or in the shower, in this case) and keeps the sexual attraction from dying down.
  • There’s less cleanup to do after. No sticky bed sheets, and no other unwanted mess in the apartment. An ultimate win-win for busy people!

Is shower sex safe?

It’s a yes and no question, to be completely honest.

Something you rarely see on TV or hear people share is how clumsy and risky shower sex can be. Two adults are stuck in a small space, everything is wet and slippery, there is water running down your face, and you’re both aroused and not paying too much attention to safety rules — it’s a recipe for a disaster waiting to happen.

Does this mean that sex is inherently dangerous and you shouldn’t try it? Absolutely not! It’s simply important to stay somewhat focused while enjoying yourselves. There are precautions you can take to help you avoid falling. If you’re trying shower sex at home, you can order a small rubber bath mat to put on the shower floor. If you’re in a hotel or just don’t want to spend extra money on it, place a regular tower. It will be soaked through but will make the space a bit less slippery. If you’re one of the lucky ones to have a giant shower, place a chair inside or use any built-in seating you may have.

It’s not exactly hot and sexy to think about safe sex and taking injury-preventative measures in the process, but it’s much better than having to come up with fake stories when you show up covered in plaster on the next Zoom call.

Then there are other types of dangers that come with any type of sex. Unwanted pregnancies, yeast infections, and other UTIs can happen if you have shower sex. That’s why you should always use protection and not rely on hot water killing or washing away all the germs.

Tips on how to have sex in the shower

Here is a list of shower sex tips that the Once team has gathered from experts and may or may not have tried ourselves.

  1. Practice makes perfect. If you’re usually having sex horizontally, it won’t hurt to try it a few times standing. Have a feel for the potential shower sex positions you enjoy and can replicate in the shower, practice your balance, experiment together, and have some fun. You can do that anywhere — the hallway, the kitchen, also the bedroom, and even the shower itself but without turning on the water.
  2. Clean up the shower, and the entire bathroom for that matter, before jumping in to have sex. Yes, you can do without it, but having sex in a clean space is so much better and more hygienic. Plus, if your toilet is in the same room as your shower, there is a lot of nasty bacteria accumulating over time. You wouldn’t want to have a menage a trois with microorganisms, would you? Also, don’t clean at the last minute either. There’s nothing sexy about getting a headache from all the chemicals while trying to reach an orgasm.
  3. Talk about it. We always encourage couples to talk about sex in general, and new sex ideas and fantasies in particular. It’s important to make sure everyone feels safe and knows what the other person wants from the experience. It’s also a good time to go through your relationship boundaries in terms of your sex life.
  4. Don’t lean against the glass doors or anything that can break. Any surface that you’re not sure can handle your combined body weights shouldn’t be used as leverage.
  5. Stock up on lubricant. Water is not your helper in that. In fact, it can have quite the opposite effect. There are many lubes on the market, some of them are made specifically for wet situations, so you can opt for them just to be sure they’ll work as you’d want them to work. Pro tip: don’t get too carried away with spraying the lube all around you — it’s made to be slippery, so it can result in you falling down if it ends up on the floor.
  6. Move the shower head a bit. Normally when you shower you want the shower head to be facing your head and face. When you’re having sex though, it can make things uncomfortable. To avoid any issues, move it slightly, so the water will be falling on your chest area and below. That way you’ll have the watery sensory experience that is a vital part of shower sex, but you won’t struggle with water hitting your eyes, ears, and everything else.
  7. Dim the lights. If your bathroom has multiple light sources, pick the dimmy one to set the mood. If you only have the overhead lighting, don’t use it at all. Instead, leave the light in the hallway and keep the door open, or get yourself a couple of candles and light them up.
  8. Add toys to the mix. If there’s a good time to experiment with sex toys, it’s in the shower! You’re already experimenting with positions and whatnot, so adding toys will add a bit more spice, and it will take the pressure off the both of you. Having great sex in the shower can be a challenge, and toys can get you to the O town while you’re perfecting your game.
  9. Come prepared and protected. If you’re usually using condoms as protection during sex, you might want to expand your options. Condoms aren’t officially shower-approved because they can slip down when in contact with the water and also break because of steam and hot temperatures. Talk to your doctor about alternatives that will work best for you.
  10. Feel free to step away. Just because you’ve started having sex in the shower, doesn’t mean it must end in the shower too. Feel free to move on to any of the rooms in your house at any point.

The final tip: Don’t expect it to be exactly as you see it in movies. Hollywood produces those perfect clips that more often than not have nothing to do with real life. Whatever your experience looks like — you’re fine! Laugh off any clumsy situations, don’t put too much stress on everything being perfect, and remember to have fun!

Shower sex and pregnancy

Water doesn’t prevent pregnancies. If you have unprotected sex in the shower and you’re in your child-bearing years, you risk getting pregnant. Water won’t wash out the sperm from inside of you, and peeing won’t help either. If you haven’t found your perfect match yet with whom you’ll be ready to have babies yet, please don’t skip protection when heading into the shower.

When should you suggest shower sex?

If you’re dating someone for a while and you have a strong emotional bond, then asking them about shower sex should not be too difficult. The only important rule is to not pressure them to have it. Mindful dating is all about respecting each other’s wishes, so ask them to stay potentially open to the idea, but refrain from guilt-tripping them if they say No.

If you’re just starting to go out, and you’re not doing slow dating in terms of sex, then it’s a fair question at any point too. Send them a text in the dating chat and see what they say. Shower sex, after all, is not as controversial as anal sex or polygamy, so don’t sweat too much over it.

Should you shower after sex if you had sex in the shower?

It’s true that you’ll probably end up cleaner after the shower sex than you would be from sex in your bedroom. Still, it’s a good idea to clean up quickly with a shower gel to wash away lubes or any bodily liquids. It only takes a few minutes anyway, so don’t skip it.

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