Member-only story
Limerence | Episode 14— continued from here
My Affair —A Physical Escape
Cheating: The sex was as electrifying as ever. A dopamine hit that left me breathless.
Knowing that what we had could never be more than a physical escape.
The weeks flew by…
Ginny and I always met away from our hometown, for obvious reasons, but our dates were rushed and I struggled with the lies and looking over my shoulder. It was a quick fix rather than the deeper connection I craved. I often felt stressed, and the intoxicating moments we spent together simply left me wanting …more of everything.
More time.
More depth.
More dopamine!
Then, the tennis club offered me another weekend away. I could sense Mary’s suspicion had grown since I’d started to invent lame excuses why I was gone for the odd evening.
And I don’t expect it was only my physical absence, it was the mental distance too. My thoughts were inclined to wander, so Mary often moaned that I was just not listening to her. Hmm, I had to be careful, or I could lose everything. But I couldn’t resist the chance to spend another couple of days and nights with…