Member-only story
Limerence | Episode 16/2— continued from here
My Affair is Over — Take Two
I’d come back to the heart of my family. I knew I was a lucky guy. Now, the world was rock steady again. Solid.
After I’d rung Ginny I literally felt that old cliché — a heavy weight had been lifted off my chest.
I almost skipped back into the house and smelled the aroma of something sweet baking in the oven.
Mary was in the kitchen, apron on, humming an old Bruce Springsteen song. The kids were arguing in the living room, playing a computer game. This was where I belonged — where I’d always belonged.
Not with Ginny, as tempting as that escape had been.
I’d come back to the heart of my family. I knew I was a lucky guy. Now, the world was rock steady again. Solid.
Mary turned as I walked into the kitchen, her eyes catching mine for just a second longer than usual. Was there something in that look? I think so. Maybe it would fade when I stopped acting suspiciously by attending the tennis club weekends away, and popping out in the evenings.
But she smiled, warm and welcoming, and I pushed the feeling aside. After all, yesterday we’d made love with abandon, her nails…