Image of a blond woman with sunglasses resting on her hair, laughing at the camera and holding a bowl of ice cream in her left hand, a spoon in her right.
Photo by Duncan Shaffer on Unsplash


The Intimate Joy Of Ice Cream

The future held promise — why else would they eye each other’s… desserts?


She drizzled the hot chocolate sauce on the vanilla ice cream and watched as little rivulets of brown ran down to settle in the cold.

Ivy loved a good Dame Blanch, but today her thoughts were not only with her dessert. From the corner of her eye, she watched him on her right. He had warm apple pie and a scoop of ice cream for dessert.

It was not the way he ate which had caught her attention.

Her eyes rested on his left hand, which — seemingly nonchalant — lay on his thigh. His thumb moved up and down over his crotch, caressing his denim-clad cock.

Keeping her head down, she slowly spooned her ice cream, watching his thumb and absent-mindedly listening to the conversation of her colleagues around her.

There were seven of them — eight if you counted her — and this was their annual dinner out before the summer holidays started. It just so happened she ended up sitting next to Patrick on this side of the square table.

Ivy squirmed in her seat as a shiver awoken her loins and her nipples hardened. She blushed, but it went unnoticed in the low light of the restaurant. She…



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Mmm Mondays — Life Matters

🦋 Writer of raw, open, honest fact & fiction - always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋