Minnesota to D.C. Carbon Free — Our First Day in Washington D.C.

Leonardo Rapallini
Minnesota to D.C. Carbon Free
3 min readJun 10, 2019

Today we registered for the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Conference and learned who we will be meeting with on Tuesday morning, Lobby Day. The four of us will meet with a staffer from Representative Ilhan Omar’s Capitol office; she represents Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District. Rep. Omar’s district is largely urban. Later in the morning, Elena and I will meet with Representative Collin Peterson from the Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District. Rep. Peterson’s district covers almost all of the western side of Minnesota, except for the far south. It is the state’s largest district and is rural in character. Meanwhile Fede and Aryanna will meet with Representative Dean Phillips from Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District. The 3rd district on the other hand is decidedly suburban.

The Congressional Districts in Minnesota

We dedicated the afternoon to enjoying some of Washington D.C.’s remarkable sights. It’s not every day that you find yourself in the nation’s capital! Here a few pictures from our day.

View from the Lincoln Memorial
At the Lincoln Memorial
The White House in the background
At the World War II Memorial
Yes, the Italian gene is there… gesticulating while talking
Happy to walk and chat
100% Electric / Zero Emissions? Cool!
If the Tesla breaks down, this could be another carbon free option?
Nice quote from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, with slight correction from Aryanna Rossi

Tomorrow we will start the day with the conference key note speaker, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe who is atmospheric scientist and professor of political science at Texas Tech University. We will then finalize our preparations for Tuesday morning’s meetings. Tuesday afternoon we will start the drive back. This time it will be D.C. to Minnesota, and we are thinking about stopping in Milan (let’s see who gets this joke).

