Interview with MOAC CEO David Chen By Nutsblock.
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5 min readSep 28, 2018

1. What is the difference between MOAC and other blockchains?

MOAC achieves an innovative motherchain + microchain structure, simultaneously resolving the three problems of security, decentralization, and scalability. MOAC’s lower layer is capable of ~900 TPS, while the microchains provide a TPS of over 5,000. In addition, microchains provide a completely fee-free contract calling function, allowing MOAC-based applications to move towards mainstream usership without being limited to just those in the crypto community. This function can also provide non-token chain solutions based on a public chain.

MOAC’s one-click chain creation function can allow blockchain projects to develop apps for the lowest cost possible, allowing already existing projects to upgrade simply, cheaply and at a low risk. In addition, MOAC already provides the decentralized IPFS file storage service FileStorm, allowing blockchain apps to not only use the low-cost blockchain to store information, but also store large amounts of documents in a decentralized manner through FileStorm.

2. How can MOAC provide non-token chain solutions?

Tokens play an essential role in traditional public chains. This role has three main parts: First, tokens prevent attacks. Second, tokens can be used to optimize the allocation of system resources. Third, tokens offer an incentive to those who maintain the system — miners. Therefore, tokens cannot be simply discarded in the public chain system. Due to the MOAC system’s unique motherchain — microchain architecture, microchains are able to function without tokens by fulfilling the above-mentioned roles through the motherchain.

Microchain’s non-token functionality has more practical implications. That is, no fees are necessary for microchain contract calling. Therefore, apps based on MOAC microchains don’t need to pay exorbitant contract calling fees. This is a very attractive function for a large number of applications. And it’s also a function not supported by other public chains.

3. What is MOAC’s “One-Click One Chain” creation function?

A decision that needs to be made by blockchain application developers is whether the app will be based on an already existing public chain smart contract, or whether it will be it’s own blockchain. The large majority of projects choose the latter. But developing, deploying and maintaining a usable blockchain is an extremely difficult matter. The project party’s strength lies in the application itself, or in some particular field. They aren’t skilled at developing and maintaining an individual blockchain.

Therefore, MOAC’s one-click chain creation seeks to solve this problem. The MOAC system features a large number of node pools formed by microchain miners. These nodes can be hired to support user-defined microchains. We provide a full set of tools that allow projects to deploy their own microchain to support their project at the click of a mouse. Project parties need only to periodically pay the relevant fees to the mining nodes. This makes blockchain application development extremely simple, allowing projects to focus on their application’s logic.

4. What are the main problems for blockchain application implementation?

Blockchain application implementation primarily faces a paradox. That is, blockchain is itself decentralized, but applications are implemented in the real world. Therefore, achieving blockchain and decentralized data exchange in the real world is quite a challenge. Most currently existing solutions adopt off-chain centralized processing to achieve interface between blockchain and the real world. This touches on the concept of cross-chaining. In order for blockchain to develop to this stage, we have to achieve information exchange between blockchains, the real world, IPFS and the IoT. Attempts have been made to do so, including the Lightning Network’s successful blockchain atomic swap and Augur’s decentralized Oracle.

MOAC is the first to propose a complete set of solutions for these problems. Microchains can already easily achieve cross-chain communication between each other in the MOAC system. Similar methods can easily be expanded into cross-chaining between blockchains and other networks. We’ve already created a microchain that spans the gap between blockchain and the IPFS network. We call it FileStorm. We can achieve even more cross-chain functionality and services using the same method.

5. What does the future of blockchain development look like?

Blockchain-based smart contracts make it easy to handle all kinds of data and logic on the chain. Using this as a foundation, microchains can represent a real blockchain interface for data and logic, and cooperate with other blockchain interfaces through cross-chaining, thereby achieving communication with real-world information and forming large-scale decentralized collaborations. This is the next important stage in blockchain development.

Compared to traditional applications, blockchain-based large scale decentralized collaborative applications are better able to resolve relationships between large numbers of unfamiliar entities, reducing the difficulty of individual participation. In addition, blockchain’s unique tokens can reward and promote cooperation between individuals in the system, completing profit distribution for the system. This process is a polar opposite to the top-down, executive resource allocation model of traditional enterprises. Cooperation between individuals is accomplished on the lower layer, allowing the whole system to operate without being controlled by any single individual. Therefore, this collaborative relationship is incompatible with large corporative structures. This is also a huge opportunity provided by blockchains. New applications will have the opportunity to create a new blue ocean in the shadow of traditional Internet giants without being forced to comply with current Internet requirements of user privacy, security and revenue.

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