MOAC Workshop at Blockchain Lab NYU with Principal Engineer Martin MA
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4 min readNov 2, 2019

Blockchain has been growing and evolving rapidly since the release of the first whitepaper about the technology in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. One of the best ways to aid the growth of the developer community is to offer students access to the latest technology. On Wednesday October 9th 2019, the MOAC Foundation hosted a workshop with the Blockchain Lab at NYU. MOAC Principal Engineer, Martin Ma, presented the MOAC platform and several use cases to a group of engineering students and blockchain industry professionals at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

Martin Ma began by sharing his impressive background with over 25 years experience, working for large companies like Amazon and Huawei as a software engineer. Over the course of his career, Ma has also worked for Verifone, China Construction Bank, and CCFE (China Commodity Futures Exchange).

Cherie Liu, Head of US for the MOAC Foundation and Managing Partner at Outpost VC, introduces MOAC and Principal Engineer Martin Ma to the audience.

Ma then described how blockchain technology is still in its early days and compared it with the first web sites, dial-up internet and the first emails. He expressed to the crowd what an opportunity they have in front of them and encouraged them to build a startup or project on top of MOAC. “MOAC is like Android Operating System. If you can do a better application on top of it, you can change the world. A small change can impact a lot of people around the world,” said Ma.

Ma went on to explain how blockchain provides value by preventing double-spending using proof of ownership, with the example of sending a Bitcoin versus forwarding an email. He elaborated on how MOAC is a decentralized network versus how the web currently operates with central servers. He went on to differentiate MOAC from a private chain like Facebook’s Libra, because anyone can join and form a node of the MOAC public chain.

Ma then described how MOAC is uniquely suited to solve the “Trilemma” of Security, Scalability and Decentralization with the use of micro-chains, sharding and a hybrid consensus, which enables different combinations of Proof Of Work and Proof Of Stake. He also spoke about the other things that set MOAC apart from competitors, like it’s ease of use, high transaction speed, and fee-less smart contract transactions.

After going into detail on the multi-layer architecture of MOAC and explaining how Micro-Chains and Sharding work, Mathen introduced several use cases, some live on the MOAC Mainnet and others still in production. For example, “One Click One Chain” makes it incredibly easy to create new chains off the MOAC main chain.

Martin MA, MOAC Principal Engineer

MOAC’s “Product Tracing Solution” takes supply chain management to a new level of efficiency, tracking a product every step from creation to point of sale and can be easily applied to many different industries. “Filestorm” is a decentralized file storage solution that allows users to access their files from anywhere, as well as incentivizing users to become nodes and offer use of their hard drive space to earn tokens.

Another example is the “Big Data Exchange Solution” which creates a platform for Data Providers and Data Buyers to exchange information, using tokens for access, ensuring the providers are paid for their data. Data providers in the current state of the internet suffer from how easy it is to copy information without paying and blockchain can solve this problem with the exchange of tokens for data.

After Ma’s presentation, the audience had the opportunity to hear about more live use case examples from Leon Wu, CEO of of BriskPoint, a current MOAC partner company.

Briskpoint is an Enterprise AI and Blockchain company that serves oil & gas companies, power utility companies, EV charging networks, and real estate companies. BriskPoint’s blockchain offerings to enterprise clients are built on the MOAC blockchain.

Leon Wu, CEO of of BriskPoint

“We have started to collaborate with the MOAC team,” said Wu. “Their technology, I would say, is cutting edge… We have full confidence in their future development because their platform is very robust and also easy to use.”

Mr. Wu went on to describe BriskPoint’s current blockchain projects. “We developed a blockchain based data exchange for the oil and gas customers to do data swap. The other product we are currently developing is an energy commodity trading platform. We are currently using MOAC to develop it.”

The evening concluded with Martin Ma answering a variety of questions from the audience about blockchain technology, MOAC’s tech stack, and positioning as a company. The full workshop can be viewed on the MOAC YouTube channel: MOAC Martin Ma at NYU Workshop.

