Step by Step Process to Invest in MoatUnit v2.O

Sowmay Jain
Published in
4 min readJun 10, 2018

Today, we are launching MoatFund v2.O protocol with an appropriate investment process. This article explains the exact process to invest in MoatFund and claim your MoatUnits accordingly.

Previously, MoatUnits (MTU) are issued instantly on sending ethereum to MoatFund contract at a fixed rate of 5,000 MTU per ether. From v2.O, MTU will be issued as per the market price of MoatFund underlying assets calculated at the end of each quarter. The process includes 2 steps:

  • Deposit ether (full quarter except first week)
  • Claim MTU (first week of next quarter).

#1 — Send (deposit) ethereum to moatfund.eth

Use moatfund.eth ENS in Metamask, Mist or MyEtherWallet ethereum clients (as shown below) while sending ether, it will automatically detect the MoatFund smart contract address:



Do cross check, the targeted address ends with ….bd70.

Submit your transaction and wait for the confirmation. Check the Tx status on etherscan link provided by your ethereum client (Metamask, MEW etc).

After confirmation of your Tx, your funds will be deposited in MoatFund smart contract. You can check your deposited balance by callingInvestor function in the contract. Click the following link:

Type your ethereum address in input box and READ. Output result will be the deposited ether (in wei) of given address. The result is in wei amount which is the smallest unit of ethereum. Divide the number with 10¹⁸ to convert it to ether or use this website to calculate ethereum in different units.

The smart contract doesn’t allow any person (other than the depositor) to withdraw these funds. Only the associated address can withdraw or claim MTU using these funds. Rest assured, your funds are safe in smart contract.

You can deposit (and withdraw) ethereum any time but you can only claim your MTU in first week of next quarter. For example, you invested 1 ethereum on 10th August then you can claim your MTU in first week of next quarter (Oct to Dec). More details in next section.

#2 — Claim your MTU.

At the end of each quarter, we will calculate the underlying assets of MoatFund and accordingly dictate the MTU price (with a detailed report of the quarter), which will be the base price to issue and redeem MTU in first week of next quarter.

Continuing above example — At the end of July-Sept quarter, we dictated 0.00016 ether price of each MTU as per the underlying asset value of MoatFund, then you will get 6250 MTU on claiming MTU if you had invested 1 ether in previous quarter. You can also get the estimated claimed MTU by calling getClaimEst function:

How can you claim your MTU?

By calling ClaimMTU function in our smart contract, fill the input box true (which is pre-filled if you visit the following link) and submit the transaction:

After Tx confirmation, you’ll observe that your deposited ether in MoatFund contract will become 0 and MTUv2 (as per the dictated price) will be transferred to your ethereum address.

MTUv2 transferred after calling ClaimMTU function (on Ropsten Testnet)

What if I’m not satisfied with the MTU price and don’t want to claim MTU instead want my deposits (ether) back?

That’s a very valid question. Simply call the ClaimMTU with false input value ANYTIME:

You’ll receive all of your deposited ether back in your wallet without any deduction.

We are opening the investment window of MoatFund v2.O from 10th June 2018. All the investors investing between 10th to 30th June can claim their MTU in first week of next Quarter (1st to 7th July). Hurry up!

If you’re stuck anywhere, contact our team anytime on our telegram group.

