MoatFund Smart Contracts Protocol and Associated Ethereum Addresses.

Sowmay Jain
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2018

MoatFund is govern by a program (smart contract) deployed on Ethereum blockchain which maintains the immutable records of all the transactions, creating a transparent and secured ecosystem to manage the funds on blockchain technology.

Below are the Ethereum Public Addresses of all the smart contract and individual address associated with MoatFund.

MoatFund Smart Contract Protocol

#1) Moat Token

This smart contract keeps the immutable record of all the MoatCoin holders and their balances. MTC shows your Proof Of Membership (POM) of the MoatFund.

It’s an ERC20 standard token, having a symbol MTC with no decimals. So like Ethereum and Bitcoin, you can’t trade MoatCoins in decimals (0.92663). It need to be executed in full numbers ( like 1 or 7 or 165). No decimals.

#2) Moat Fund

Our team has power to Mint MoatCoins to any extent but we can’t retain the coins. After minting, the coins get transferred to MoatFund smart contract immediately and can only be retained by sending Ethereum to the address. It’s unilateral and reducing the reckless minting of coins by smart contract owners.

It’s the most important and valuable smart contract in MoatCoin ecosystem. It has:

  • Ethereum sent by Investors.
  • MoatCoin available for sale.
  • Alt coins (which represents the portfolio).

Anytime and anywhere you can check the portfolio, total assets, net worth etc. on MoatFund Smart Contract. Complete transparency.

#3) Moat Board

This contract restricts the usage of Ethereum by team. Team can move the Ethereum from MoatFund to MoatBoard smart contract and execute a new proposal. Only board members can create a proposal.

Members will vote and if the votes are:

  • Above 50%, then ethereum will be transferred to team address.
  • Below 50%, then the ethereum will be again transferred to MoatFund Smart Contract.

The contract will maintain the record of all the proposals and votes for future reference.

Individual Addresses Associated with MoatFund.

#1) Owner Address.

This address execute all the important transactions of MoatFund Protocol. Remember, the smart contract is designed in a manner that owner can only regulate the protocol activities but can’t access the wealth outside the protocol environment. To take funds out of contract, the proposal needs to be voted true by board members.

#2) Team Address.

This is the address which will show how much exposure the team have in MoatFund Protocol. It will hold all the MoatUnits and Ethereum which are owned by team to ensure that we have enough exposure in the Moatfund.

If have any queries, always feel free join our telegram group or discuss with us on our forum.

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