Modern Website using Contentful Headless CMS

Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2021


Woven Planet Holdings, Inc. (“Woven Planet”), is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation. Dedicated to bringing its vision, “Mobility to Love, Safety to Live’’ to life. Woven Planet develops technologies designed to achieve zero casualties and provide mobility for all. It uses artificial intelligence integrated with advanced engineering and human-centric interface design to build the mobility of the future.


The Woven Planet website was originally built on a traditional enterprise website builder tool. The solution met their initial requirements, but as webpage volume increased, the team was facing slowness and poor editorial experience. It was difficult to develop new pages or develop new functionality. Therefore, Woven Planet needed an infrastructure to support and maintain a multilingual site in English and Japanese in a single interface with a seamless user experience.

Moback’s Solution

Moback’s team architected a solution using Contentful, a headless CMS, to quickly deliver a modern, lightweight, and blazing fast website. Moback engineers made it fit right into Woven Planet’s requirement to have one interface for their editors to configure the content structure. Through Moback’s solution, Woven Planet was able to create a blazing fast modern website.

Another big advantage was using Contentful to streamline the editorial experience of their multilingual website. Moback also made it very easy to maintain different types of content in one place like textual content, images, videos, and PDF.

Benefits to Woven Planet

  • Introduced a modern and highly responsive website
  • Development teams can pick any tech stack for their front end
  • Faster deployments and more responsive to business needs
  • The API-based architecture allows engineering teams to add functionality easily

Key Result that Moback Achieved

  • Increased Woven Planet’s content team productivity
  • Blazing fast and easy for the content team to build and publish content
  • The newer architecture allowed for faster development time

