Changelog 0.5.7–02.12.2018

Published in
8 min readFeb 12, 2018

Hey Everyone,

We are making an effort to sticking to our two week patch cycle (approximately anyways!), so as promised, here is the latest batch of good stuff….

New Skill Improvements

The next batch of Skill revamps are here! Last Changelog, we covered the violent ones (Aggression, Fighting) — for this update, we’re handling the fundamental Skills that few players like to develop, Farming and Vision!

Updates to Farming Skill

Farming is one of the most simple stats in League — you get “X CS/min or you don’t, right? True, but we think it’s a little more nuanced than that.

One of the things we realized was that in winning games, a larger portion of your gold comes from objectives and kills, especially in solo queue. This was making people misunderstand how good they actually were at Farming.

With this revamp we really wanted to do 3 things:
1. Tell you where all your gold is coming from.
2. Tell you how efficient you actually are at farming.
3. Give more role specific stats for you to better analyze your game. (Supports were previously left in the dark in this regard but we’re bringing them out and into the light.)

We spent a lot of time isolating and testing these variables and think they will be really cool and useful- here are the new metrics we’ve added:

General Income

  • This score allows you to really hone in on where your gold is coming in the context of all the different sources of income. Is your gold coming from kills/assists? Objectives and CSing? A good mix of everything?
  • By looking at players that are more skilled than you, you can see where the majority of their gold comes from and understand your own habits and how to improve them.

Farm Efficiency

  • The goal behind this skill is to try and tell you how well you farmed when you were actually focused on farming, whether that’s in lane or in the jungle. Its calculated by scoring how much CS you get when you are not dead, ganking, or in base, relative to the maximum baseline/min (2 waves = 12cs/min).
  • We’ve also included tooltips to you understand what you’re missing out on when your time is consumed by other things, such as when you’re dead, basing, or ganking.
  • Note that this shows up for Top, Mid, Jungle, and ADC.

Jungler role specific:

  • Counterjungling: It’s a gray score because not every champ is meant to be an invader (it won’t affect you Amumu mains, so stop crying), but we wanted to give players with that play style the ability to evaluate their performances with those champs. Players who counterjungle more often will have the increased CS likely reflected in other scores.

Support role specific:

In the past, Support mains have often asked, how is Farming relevant to them? We’ve created specific scores to really emphasize the Support’s core involvements:

  • Support Item Income: This score evaluates your ability to accumulate gold based on the three Support Item lines (Spellthief, Relic Shield, Ancient Coin). Here, you can see how quickly you get to each item’s completion and the gold you generate from Support items.
  • Objective Income: The best Supports consistently help their team secure objectives by warding ahead of time and providing clutch ward clears in the heat of battle. This score aims to highlight that if you were doing so.
  • Kills/Assists Income: Since Supports get a larger portion of their gold from these scores instead of by CS’ing, we really wanted to flesh it out and help you understand how you stack up vs other Supports.

Updates to Vision Skill

Like Farming, Vision is a simple stat from a purely statistical perspective — you place X wards and clear Y wards. Have a nice day!

The truth, Vision is a lot more complicated and although we still can’t tell where you place wards (yet), and which specific conditions, there are other things we can describe regarding your Vision game so you can improve. Here are the changes:


  • Vision control is important ALL GAME LONG. We added this to make sure you can see if/when you’re slacking at certain points. You may be a good warder early on in your lane phase, but are you still fighting for crucial areas during team fights later? After all, just one facecheck can cost you a match in the late game…


  • One of the things that bothered us before was the fact that not all games are created equal. Some games, the opposing team may have hardly ever warded, leaving you with less wards to clear (especially at lower levels).
  • This made it harder for lower level Supports to have as good as scores in the clearing category since there were simply less wards than higher ELOs. Now you can see what % of the total wards available that you cleared, so if you’re doing a good job clearing wards within the context of your match, it will reflect that.


  • With this score we wanted to tell you how effective your vision tool usage is. Everyone (well almost), starts with a warding trinket that caps out at 2 charges. If you don’t use a charge, you don’t regenerate and lose out on potential vision.
  • We also examine how quickly a Control Ward goes from the shop, to your inventory, to a random bush. If you are carrying more than one ward, then we don’t count the timer.
  • We realize there are scenarios where you aren’t placing wards for viable specific reasons, so this score is gray, meaning it’s neutral and doesn’t affect your total from a positive/negative performance standpoint.

Vision Impact

  • The lovely folks over at Riot created a real cool vision score to measure the impact you had on the vision game, and we wanted to be able to show you how you do at that. The one thing we added on top of that was accounting for champion selected every game — for example, champs like Teemo get abnormally high vision scores, so we normalize for that.
  • For more info, check out this Riot explanation.

New Play Style Badges

A while back, we promised that we’d be updating/adding play style badges to our Pre Game as time goes on.

This new batch evaluates player tendencies in regards to play style, rather than simple things like if a player has been on a hot streak or is playing for the first time that day. Let’s take a look:

Lone Wolf vs Groupie

  • These badges describe players in relation to how they like to operate: alone or with allies. This helps us define when you do something (regardless of if you do a lot or a little), if that something is more isolated or more group involved.
  • Lone Wolf will be given to players who focus on individual areas of play such as split-pushing and dueling. If you see a Lone Wolf, be prepared to deal with side lane pressure and someone who is comfortable with 1v1 combat.
  • Groupie will be given to players who are more keen to playing around the team. They’re likely to be at most team fights and are unlikely to go off on their own.

Carry vs Enabler

  • These badges describe players in relation to how they look to impact the game: by doing it themselves or by helping their teammates.
  • Carry will be given to players who look to pop off individually and will likely itemize towards being able to deal high damage or helping themselves. They’ll look to gather a major portion of their team’s gold share and convert it into kills.
  • Enabler will be given to players who impact the game by investing their resources into helping others (they rack up tons of assists). They’re able to play well without needing a lot of gold and can be expected to itemize toward utility.
  • For example, an ADC that opts to farm, farm, and farm until they hit all their items would lean more towards the Carry badge while an ADC that chooses to group sooner and more often for team fights would be more toward Enabler on the spectrum.

Farseer vs Blind

  • These badges describe a player’s likelihood of contributing to Vision control for their team.
  • Farseer will be given to players who dominate the battle for Vision. They’re constantly placing wards, clearing wards, and buying Control Wards.
  • Blind will be given to players who hardly make any Vision contributions at all. If you’re a Jungler against a Blind laner, you should be preparing to feast!

Passive vs Proactive

  • These badges describe a player’s likelihood to create or participate in action.
  • Passive will be given to players who are unlikely to make things happen. They’ll rarely be the engager in team fights and won’t be looking to gank or roam as often as their peers.
  • Proactive will be given to players who love to initiate action. They’re constantly looking to start or be part of fights, and you can expect them to be looking to ambush other lanes

Risk Averse vs Reckless

  • These badges describe a player’s decision-making tendencies in relation to how risky their play is.
  • Risk Averse will be given to players who prioritize safety and survival. They’re likely to die less but they’ll usually get less kills due to the lack of aggression.
  • Reckless will be given to players who will usually look to land a kill, even if they aren’t guaranteed to make it out alive themselves. These players have more successful tower dives and invades, but are also likely to have more overall deaths as a result.

Other Updates to Pre Game

  • Optimized overall Pre Game loading time.
  • Jungle Pathing updated with new design.
  • Improved role detection accuracy.
  • Added player division icons.

The Mobalytics Twitch Extension

Last but not least, is our brand new Twitch Extension. One of our primary goals is helping you improve and understand the game as best you can. We know that a big part of the LoL community learns from watching their favorite Twitch channels, so we wanted to create something to help streamers, help you. In the next few months, you’ll probably start seeing that familiar purple little hexagon pop up at the top left of your LoL stream.

Damn that’s cool…
  • Pretty awesome right? If you’re a streamer you can download it here.
  • If you want to learn more or have a streamer you’d like to suggest, go here.




Personal performance analytics and improvement tools for competitive #MOBA gamers.