Changelog 0.7.0–05.30.2018

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5 min readMay 30, 2018

Hey Everyone,

It’s been quite a while since you’ve heard from us on Medium — we’re finally back with some exciting changes. To start off, our team has been working on a new video series, the Mobalytics Dev Update.

The goal of the series is to provide an additional way to improve our communication with our community (taking a cue from some of our heroes).

It’s better to show than tell, so without further adieu, here’s our Mobalytics Dev Update for the 0.7.0 Patch.

The main TLDW is that we’ve reworked our advice system to encourage better navigation and usability, and have updated our Toughness and Teamplay Skills. For more details, stick around for the rest of our Changelog.

Reworked Advice System

We felt that our former interface was too constricting and we really wanted to give our users more control. We can’t spill the beans now, but we have future additions on the way that will also benefit from this new format.

The next time you click on a GPI Skill, you’ll be able to switch to any of your other Skills instantly. You’ll also be able to easily rotate through your conclusions and advice in a similar fashion.

Improved GPI Data Set

Some of you may notice changes in your scores — we have updated our data set to be much larger and more recent, these new scores are more accurate.

Updates to Toughness Skill (now called “Survivability”)

We wanted to move away from the confusion that was created by our previous Toughness scores. For example, our previous metrics often depended on context (compare Damage Taken to a tank vs ADC).

The new scores will be analyzing how well you are able to survive and absorb damage depending on your role. You’ll also be able to understand the nature of your deaths when you do die, such as when, where, and who’s killing you.

Solo Deaths

  • No one wants to die alone. Whether you’re getting caught or losing in a 1v1 duel, a Solo Death can be huge.
  • Solo Death’s sub-metrics allow you to understand how many Solo Deaths you have on average as well as when you tend to solo die (early, mid, late game).

Teamfight Deaths

  • It’s not enough to just show up to a teamfight, you have to wait for the right time to make your move or you’ll risk dying early or being too passive.
  • This score’s sub-metrics show you how many times you die in teamfights per game, the percentage of your team’s overall fights that you die in, and the average order of your death in terms of sequence (dying early vs later in a teamfight).

Death Risk

  • This score is an improved version of what was formerly, Forward Deaths. It takes a closer look at the conditions surrounding your deaths, including where you were in relation to friendly/enemy territory, and how strong you were.
  • Death Risk’s sub-metrics take a look at the proximity of your deaths in relation to allied and enemy turrets.

Gank Deaths (Top, Mid, ADC, and Support)

  • The spiritual successor to Gank Susceptibility with more bells and whistles.
  • Instead of just telling you how many ganks you die to, Gank Death’s sub-metrics also let you know who tends to kill you (Top, Mids, Junglers, or 3+ enemy ganks).

Ganks Failed (Jungle only)

  • We wanted to measure one of the most tragic deaths, a failed gank attempt. It often means feeding your ally’s lane opponent with gold, exp, and even buffs.
  • This score’s sub-metrics tell you how often you tend to die in the first 15 minutes when making gank attempts.

Updates to Teamplay Skill (now called Objectives)

Our previous Teamplay scores didn’t fulfill its original purpose of describing your contributions to achieving victory when working with your team. We felt that the scores we had were well-covered in other areas such as Aggression and Vision — the new objective-oriented scores will have a more significant identity in relation to our goal.


  • This score examines the number of available Barons that you take as well as how soon you prioritize it.
  • Baron’s sub-metrics analyze how many total Barons that your team took in your past selected games (20 or 50), as well as the average time in which you take your first Baron.


  • This score measures how often you take Dragons and the type of Dragons that your teams tend to take.
  • The sub-metrics here let you see your totals for Dragons or Elders, in a similar fashion to Total Barons, as well as your percentage for the different types of elemental drakes (Cloud, Mountain, Infernal, Ocean).

Power Plays

  • This score was heavily inspired by the standard LCS analysis point — it basically aims to measure what you DO with your taken objectives.
  • Your sub-metrics here will take a look at your total Power Plays over your selected games, the amount of Baron Power Play gold you earn, the number of towers you take per Power Play, and the number of kills you contribute to per Power Play.

Tower Pressure (Top, Mid, ADC)

  • The best laners are relentless in assaulting their opposing tower. If you’re able to put pressure on enemy towers, you can control the ebb and flow of the map and game.
  • These sub-metrics measure the amount of damage you deal to structures as well as the percentage of the tower kills you participated in.

Rift Heralds (Top, Jungle)

  • If you’re a Top laner or Jungler, you’ll often be engaging in Rift Herald contests in the early to mid game. We wanted to account for your contribution here.
  • Rift Herald’s sub-metrics measure how often your team is able to secure the objective, as well as the amount of towers your team tends to take when using Eye of the Herald (within a minute).

What we’re working on next

  • The last of our 8 GPI Skills to be reworked are of course, Consistency and Versatility. You may notice that you won’t be getting as much analysis and advice here while we revamp these scores — please bear with us for now and thank you for your patience!
  • Lastly, as we mentioned in the Dev Update video, we’ll be prioritizing a Mobalytics Desktop App after much popular request.




Personal performance analytics and improvement tools for competitive #MOBA gamers.