Changelog v.003–08.08.2017

Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2017
v.003 — Major Updates

After another long retreat into our dungeon…out we come with 3 HUGE new features. We have some stuff we have been waiting forever to get out there, but we wanted to get them just right. Although they could still be a little better (there’s always room for improvement), we think it’s about time you got a chance to play with them. :)

We’re also sorry we didn’t want talk about them much. It’s hard to communicate while being hyper-focused on something. Actually, we aren’t that sorry because we love seeing how people react to things they’ve never seen before.

Feature 1: GPI V2.0

We know everyone (yup, even that one guy who doesn’t) loves our GPI - but our team wasn’t happy with it. As we saw the results come in, all we could think about was more formulas that we could add, old formulas we could improve, glaring inaccuracies we could fix, and organizational features that could be polished.

So, while trying to balance making new stuff, we set off on doing all the above things and more. Today, we are happy to bring you our GPI V2! Here’s what it’s got:

Complete redo of Consistency and Versatility

  • We felt that our original attributes for defining a player’s Consistency and Versatility weren’t cutting it. They needed way too many games to perform up to our standards, and didn’t allow us to take advantage of small frames of games like 20 (or even 5).
  • Now, Consistency and Versatility more accurately reflect your performance patterns across multiple games. They have been nearly completely redone, with only 1 or 2 attributes making a comeback.
New Consistency metrics

New metrics and numbers to look at

  • Don’t worry, it’s all categorized and defined in the way you’re used to, so you will only see the important parts (there’s tons you don’t see that go into your scores).
  • Almost every skill has new metrics to look at so make sure to explore!
  • Check out our series of Infographics for more details.

Tons of new advice to go with the new metrics

  • We’re really happy with our accuracy, you might even think we’re psychic!
  • Take a peek at our Onboarding in the next section for a look at how we’re updating our advice delivery system.

Coming soon to V2:

  • Compare yourself to your tier, or any other tier.
  • Compare yourself to one specific player.
  • Compare to a specific class or champ.

Main Assist: Onboarding

We really wanted to stress how core the GPI is to EVERYTHING we do. If something cool appears in your Pre Game or Post Game, it’s because GPI formulas made it happen. To emphasize this, we are debuting our GPI V2 with an awesome new Onboarding feature.

Onboarding personalizes a user’s learning experience

We have realized that not all our players learn the same way…or have the same sense of humor… or the same opinion of their play. We also learned that aspects of our GPI weren’t crystal clear to our users, and this helps walk users through that. Onboarding offers:

  • A fun way for new users to be introduced to the platform.
  • The ability to customize your experience to suit your own play style.
  • While enjoying yourself, you will learn exactly what the GPI is trying to accomplish and how you can maximize your usage.

In the near future, Onboarding will affect the advice delivery system for users. Based on their choices, they’ll have specific advice voices inspired by amalgamations of some of our favorite fictional characters (and hopefully yours too!) Here’s a look at some of our voice references:

Feature 2: Post Game

Our Post Game is completely reliant on the GPI, and since we spent so much time redoing our GPI, it took forever to bring this out. We think that the wait was totally worth it. Here’s why:

  • Analyze in detailed GPI terms how you did that specific match.
  • Compare yourself to your match-up to see if you crushed your enemies.
  • Compare yourself to your last 5 games or your 20 game average and see how you stack up.
  • See how you did in 3 critical skills:
  1. The most important skill for your development as a League player.
  2. The skill you improved in the most during the course of the game.
  3. The skill that suffered the most during the course of the game.
Post Game in action, ain’t it purty?

Coming Soon to Post Game:

  • After every game, you’ll receive a critical question based on your performance. This question will help you pinpoint holes in your game to consider.
  • You’ll also be able to examine in detail which specific parts of your big 8 skills you did poorly/well in. As always, our system will guide you so you know where to focus.

Feature 3: Personal Dashboard

Our 3rd and final feature for the month is the Personal Dashboard. Sometimes, after playing game after game after game, it’s hard to tell how much progress you’re actually making. We designed the Personal Dashboard exactly for this. It allows you to:

View your GPI performance in all of your recent games

  • It’s kinda like a match history and from there can go to that SPECIFIC Post Game screen!
  • Really flustered on a particular match and want to review it? Well it’s right there, and easy to find.
See your GPI trends across all your games

Play with a graph that shows you how you did in your last (10, 20, 50, 100) games in a specific area.

  • Wanna know how consistently you’ve been farming well over the last 20 games? Well you can do that!

Coming Soon:

  • Go from each match in the match history to your Pre Game and Match Details, in addition to that specific Post Game.
  • Set goals and see how the progress that is being made using the graph function.
  • Use your goals and estimates in our system to project your progress based on how many games you plan to play.

Bugs Squashed

Day in and day out, our team has been grinding and slaying bugs, so many damn bugs… Our infinite war has no end in sight. We’ve lost many a brave dev to this war. There are far too many casualties on both ends to list, but trust us, work is being done.




Personal performance analytics and improvement tools for competitive #MOBA gamers.