Changelog v.002–04.19.2017

Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2017
v.002 — Major Updates

Hey Everyone,

We have been working really hard on some major features that we are excited to get into your hands. Trust us — it’s really hard for us not to talk about them as we work on them, but sometimes it’s important we keep things incognito. Hey, everyone likes surprises right?

Let’s start with the most important new features added.


Mobalytics Stats Section

We were never trying to make another stats site, but while creating the GPI, we used OP.GG a ton. To economize our ability to gather and review information, we eventually built a set of internal tools that gave our team more options. To hear the full story check out our Dev Blog — in short, we decided to skin it and give all our users a chance to play :)

Here are the critical features:

  • Versatile Condition Filtering: Search history and matches according to role, champion, victory condition and matchup. For example, you can search for all your Camille vs Rumble matches.
  • Personal Records: Show off your best games and individual performances to your friends with ease!
  • Graphs: See graphs for any statistic under many different circumstances — you can even click on a data point to go to that game in specific.
  • Match Details: We added some features to each match breakdown that might remind you of another popular game.
  • Oh and it’s all really really pretty. This guy knows the importance of being pretty.

Right now it’s available to all our users, so give it a whirl and tell us what you think. :)

Play Style Badges for Pre Game:

We know the Pre Game can be a little redundant, so we are working hard to add features to it. One of the first major features we wanted to add was the ability to get a quick view on players’ styles, allowing you to lay out a quick game plan before the match started.

We plan to add many more styles but here are the first ones:

  1. Squishy — Summoner is using little or no armor runes
  2. Hexed — Summoner is using little or no MR runes
  3. Off Role — Summoner is playing their champ in an non-traditional role or spec.
  4. The Hunt is On — Summoner is in a lane that is an easy gank this match.
  5. Hot Streak — Summoner has won 3 or more games in a row in the last 8 hours.
  6. Cold Streak — Summoner has lost 3 or more games in a row in the last 8 hours.
  7. Fatigue — Summoner has been playing for more than 4 hrs straight.
  8. First Game of the Session — Summoner is playing their first game of the day
  9. Warmed Up — Summoner has played 3 or more games in the last 4 hours
  10. Summoner’s Insight — Summoner has summoner’s insight which means reduced cooldowns.
  11. Rusty — Summoner player has not played this champ in the last 20 games.
  12. Beginner — Summoner has played this champ less than 5 times.
  13. Veteran — Summoner has played this champ more than 50 times

Regular Upkeep

In addition to the major features deployment noted above, we’ve also been tuning our existing features. We know there’s a lot left to do, but here’s what we have changed so far (keeping in line with our previous format of what is done, coming soon, and not so soon):

Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

Major Platform Changes

  • Completed the server migration process. In theory, this is supposed to make us better, faster, stronger. In reality, our users won’t understand the pain our team went through to perform this feat.
  • New architecture should also allow us to accommodate more users easily. Time for gains bro.
  • Oh, and we hope this means we will suffer fewer random deaths.


  • Positioning has not been working as we intended — the score was appearing too low for most users in damage dealing roles. We made an adjustment that should go live soon, if it hasn’t already.
  • Made slight tweaks to most of the existing formulas to make player representation more accurate at different tiers.
  • Added tons of new advice for players who meet the conditions. We now have over 9000 pieces of advice… not really, but you know what we mean right?
  • Numerous quality of life changes that should make the experience better for most users.

Pre Game

  • Added external links to that allow players to easily access the best builds and strats.
  • More pieces of advice… nowhere near 9000 though.

Coming Soon


  • Complete revamp adding new metrics and formulas. We are VERY excited for this and you should be too!
  • Comparative filters that allow you to look at different time, champ, and role windows.

Pre Game

  • More Playstyles. Never enough. Must have more.
  • We know the “Win the Game” advice is getting redundant for some of you, and we have a plan to shake that up.

Post Game

In a Galaxy Far Far Away

Progress Dashboard

  • Becoming less mysterious with every passing second. Really.




Personal performance analytics and improvement tools for competitive #MOBA gamers.