Developer Blog 1: The Beginning

Amine Issa
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2017

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

Lao Tzu

We have all been there. One more game. One more time. If only someone would teach me the small tricks…. If only I had a mentor, someone better than me. I am sure I could be challenger. We at Mobalytics firmly believe that everyone has all the tools they need to be challenger within them. All we are here to do is show you how to unlock your potential and be the best player that you can be.

Getting a chance to share our work on the TechCrunch stage and receiving such powerful encouragement, both financial and emotional was a huge leap in our journey. Personally, my whole life has been about showing people that gaming is a positive force in our lives. Competitive gaming pushes us towards self-improvement and understanding ourselves and each other better. Now we will get the chance to prove this is the case to a much larger stage, the whole world.

It’s been a long year and an especially hard last two months. We have been working nonstop to try and get a product to you, and now we finally have something. What you see is the result of endless hours of experimentation, arguing, hope, despair, and everything in between. We’ve populated our system with over 900 unique pieces of advice, and created contextual triggers for each and every one. We have built a scoring system that we believe really describes performance in League of Legends.

mobalytics developer blog

There is no magic in what we do. Just a lot of trial and error, good decisions, bad decisions, and an indomitable will to get things right. Being passionate gamers, we believe that what we build will resonate with you, but there is so much we want to do, and at the end of the day, we are just a bunch of dudes working on something we love. The truth is we NEED you now!

We need you to help us understand what we did right, what we did wrong, and how to fix it. Your turn to give us a Performance Index. At the end of the day, this tool is for you and we have big dreams to make tools for all games. These tools are designed to really help gamers get where they want to go. Join us, share your dreams and wishes, and let’s get there together.

This year we have finally launched our Private Beta for League of Legends. The features included now are the GPI itself as well as Pre-Game Analysis on how to win every game you go into. Our roadmap for the features we want to release this year is even more exciting! We will be delivering Post-Game analysis as well as summoner play style indicators, and a personalized statistical dashboard to track your goal progression over time.

If you think that we’re missing something or there is anything you want to see Mobalytics do, feel free to tweet us or send your ideas/feedback to

We are going to make more of an effort to be open and involve you guys, the founding members of our platform, in our decisions. I will personally be making a commitment to blog and tweet more consistently to keep you updated not only about new features, but also about things that are happening behind the scenes…What we’re working on, how we’re making final product decisions and why we have certain metrics within Gamer Performance Index (GPI).

Look forward to much more details from myself and our team and an exciting ride!

Happy New Year,

Amine AKA “Uthgar” and the Mobalytics Team

