Worldwide blockchain jurisdiction concept was presented in Belarus

Alex Tishkov
MoBee Project
Published in
1 min readMar 15, 2018

t Minsk crypto conference on government regulation of cryptocurrency financial assets, was presented a concept of creation of a world-wide blockchain jurisdiction (WorldBlockchainJurisdiction or WBJ).

The innovative concept proposes creation of a global supranational blockchain network, that operates based on international convention, whose miners would be states themselves.

Apart from that, WBJ could encompass all known crypto-sphere categories, i.e. cryptocurrencies, tokens, smart contracts and exchanges. It is also possible to create crypto-company, a company that exists only in digital form, and even crypto-citizens.

Global blockchain regulation responsibility is suggested to place upon independent auditors, and dispute resolutions could be judged by independent arbitrators, whose services would be paid from common WBJ budget.

