Partnership Announcement— Element NFT Marketplace

Team MobiFi
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2022

As we all know, MobiFi tries to solve problems in the mobility industry, where many micro-transactions happen every day. Such as paying a bus ticket or a small parking fee. Therefore, we have chosen the Polygon network as the primary blockchain layer-2 solution to not just save cost in gas fees but also increase transaction speed. However, the journey to integrate with an NFT marketplace to enable buy and sell was more challenging than we expected until we discovered Element.

We are thrilled to announce that MobiFi has established a partnership with the leading NFT marketplace — Element. Both the MobiFi and Element teams have been working closely in the last few months to test and integrate the Element NFT market into MobiFi in-app marketplace. Now, we are ready to share the moment of launching our first Greenz Hunter Collection — Hunter Alex with the world.

To improve user experience, especially for non-crypto users, we have simplified the workflow and put the whole mint, buy and sell experience into our app. Thanks to Element SDK and API, it’s all possible now! In the meantime, we still support users leveraging their Metamask wallet and trading the NFT in any marketplace they want.

So far, after a lot of research and testing on other major NFT marketplaces, we have noticed that Element offers the best SDK and API for integration with Polygon. And we believe they will continue to thrive and brings more cool features to enhance the use cases for MobiFi users.

Wandri (MobiFi engineer): “We were a bit desperate when we discovered that OpenSea SDK doesn’t support Polygon… we have tried many other marketplaces, but they just didn’t work well or easy enough to integrate. Then we discovered Element😁”

Kevin (Element community manager): “Element is working hard to make a good product and open up the API completely, this is our chance to work together, I believe element’s good sdk will bring better features to more quality projects (like MobiFi)”

Gamification (Greenz Hunter) in MobiFi app is an innovation that brings more fun to today’s boring mobility apps. NFT and the ability to buy and sell digital assets enables a new business model that never existed before in this industry. We foresee tremendous growth in more sustainable travel options due to better user experience and lower costs. Let’s make our cities greener!

