iOS Apps Bits and Pieces April 2015

Tony Larin
Mobile Analytics Insights
3 min readApr 7, 2015

As a product manager, I look through new apps restlessly, looking for fresh ideas and smart solutions. Sometimes I will share my observations with you.

Asking Permissions

I think the Facebook Messenger team has created the best permission asking dialogs. It’s simple and clear.

Often in the photo or messaging apps you need to ask a bunch of permissions: geolocation, camera, microphone. The Periscope team has solved this problem gracefully.

The dialog appears when you try to start a broadcast the first time. The dialog clearly communicates that you need to allow all three permissions or you can’t start broadcasting. You can easily interrupt the process and start again anytime. Perfect work!

The Caliber app team introduced a fresh approach to asking for push permissions. They explain why notifications will be useful and show the example of situations of which you will receive one.

If a user doesn’t give you iOS permission you can’t ask again and it used to be really hard to enable it manually. I have left out that the re-enabling process was simplified in iOS8. Take a look at what the Secret does if you have disabled the location access.

If you like to dig in on permissions I recommend to read ‘The Right Way to Ask Users for iOS Permissions’ from Cluster Labs. It covers all variants of permission asking dialogs.

Feedback from users

Treatings, the Tinder for professional connections, starts with a chat with the app’s CEO.

It’s a really good way to communicate with your users.

On the other hand, I had a bad experience with the in-app chat with the creators. I have tried the Support Kit in the WAYD messenger app. Support Kit shows a chat to users. Their messages appear in Slack. All I have received for a week was one hundred ‘hello’s and no insights on the app’s problems. We have turned chat off as quickly as we can.

So you when you want integrate chat in your app think twice.

I have read Circa’s article about asking for user reviews in a table cell. So we have tried it in the WAYD.

A user will see the rating cell when he or she has received at least two answers. So here are the statistic for two months:

If you have a table in your app, try also to ask for push notification permission with the cell. It’s the most non-interruptive way.

This article wouldn’t be possible without the great Screenshotter app.

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