4 Ways Attorney Mobile App Solutions Can Help Increase Referrals

As an attorney, you know all too well how important it is to grow your business through referrals. Word of mouth remains one of the best marketing methods around. Most people prefer doing business with someone who comes highly recommended. Yet, asking your clients to refer you is still an uncomfortable process, even after you have provided outstanding service and excellent results. You may worry that your client is not completely satisfied with their results and that asking for a referral would be in poor taste.

In most situations, this is not the case at all. Most clients who have had a great experience are more than happy to share your information with others who may need your services. It reflects well on them to recommend someone who has achieved their desired results. If they are able to help out a friend or family member by passing along your information, they know they are putting them in good hands. Therefore, not only should you ask for referrals, you should make it as easy as possible for your clients to refer you.

Mobile app solutions are a great way to make referring your services easy for your clients. A customized mobile app can have features such as a referral button, blog, news updates, user reviews, and more. 64% of American adults use a smart phone and they are using them to search for lawyers and other professional services every day. Below are four ways a custom attorney mobile app can help boost client referrals.

Stay in Touch with Clients
When a client downloads your mobile app, you have a direct connection. People carry their phones with them all the time. Therefore, your app allows you to remain in touch by sending alerts about recent news and updates. Users can also contact you to ask questions, get directions, and best of all — make a referral.

Grow Your Network
Each of your clients can have access to hundreds of people. That means each one has the potential to connect you to several prospects in the span of a month. By having your app easily available, they are able to refer you at the touch of a button. Whether at work, at lunch, or a family outing, they have quick access to your details and can pass along your information with ease.

More Reviews Means More Clients
By adding a review feature to your mobile app, you make it simple for clients to leave reviews. They are able to read past reviews and leave one of their own, highlighting their own personal experience. Chances are, you won’t need to ask for a review because the app makes it such an easy process. Another huge plus is that you may attract more clients as you acquire more reviews. Client testimonials help to reinforce a potential client’s decision about hiring you to handle their legal needs.

Competitive Advantage
Some law firms do not have a website, let alone a mobile app. More and more people are using their smart phones and tablets to research and conduct business. By having a custom mobile app, you are giving your practice a competitive edge. It shows that you are keeping up with the trends in technology and making it convenient for your clients to reach you when they need you.

A custom mobile app is a highly effective way to help increase your referral rate. It lets your clients have immediate access to you which allows you to provide even better service.

Having a custom mobile app created for your practice is not as difficult as it may seem. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We offer custom mobile apps to help your business succeed.



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